NOVEMBER Tarotscopes 2021

November Tarotscopes ~ 2021

The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

I’ll come back to this later…must get sleep.

Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. 

ARIES ~ Ace of Cups

Salud, Aries! November wants to propose a toast to you this month. Your cup runneth over, or at least it’s about to as soon as you let someone get you a long overdue refill. You’ve been feeling pretty parched so this will be the relief you’ve been looking forward to all this time. This refreshing feeling might even bring with it some amorous feelings. Don’t be shy about finding someone to snuggle up with through these next few cold months. Even if you don’t bloom in the spring, you’ll be very fulfilled by the joy you gain from this satisfying change of pace, especially through the holidays. Crush a cup with your favorite people at a Friendsgiving or go ahead and ask someone to be your plus one for the family Turkey day festivities. Right now you’re all aglow about something. Don’t be shy about smiling if you want to. It makes people nervous to see others happy. We know how much you enjoy making everyone squirm. Go ahead. Be the life of the party right now. Everybody deserves to feel good right now.

TAURUS ~ King of Wands

Ok, easy friend! Put down the sword and listen before jumping to any big conclusions. Let everyone have a chance to explain or elaborate. Never go to bed angry, but know when to be smart about what you say next. Sometimes the best answer is, “I need to calm down and think through this first.” Break out the pen + paper and make a to-do list. Weigh out all the pros and cons in every big, important decision coming your way right now. It might feel like you’re busy making a lot of those lately, and you’re not wrong. Just make sure you don’t make a bad decision because you got sick of trying to be rational. Bossing people around isn’t leadership. When you can’t seem to come to a clear decision try getting really quiet. Sit in silence and ask the question. Don’t move until you get a clue about what to do next, Taurus.

GEMINI ~King of Cups

You’re feeling very level headed and understanding lately, and it’s a nice change from always feeling compelled to question everything. Sit back and get cozy. Soak in the season and remember thoughts aren’t real, actions are and feelings can change as soon as new information is revealed. Things are developing and evolving around you. It’s easy to decide what you want when you have a clear idea about where you want to go. That’s not something you’re used to doing, but it’s starting to be part of this new version emerging. You like being in total control of yourself and your surroundings, so this new confidence is adding a little strut to your stuff. It’s a good look on you, Gemini! Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re onto something good!

CANCER ~ 9 of Pentacles

I don’t know which on of you Cancers needs to hear this the most, but YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS, and you can do them well. You can even do them by yourself! You don’t have to have someone to go to lunch with, or the bathroom at the bar, or the office potluck. Right now, you have plenty to spread around so take a chance and do something for yourself you’ve been scared of in the past. Build your self-esteem while you’re feeling this little boost to help it gain more momentum. Many blessings are on their way. This card is a sign of abundance and deep satisfaction. Before you assume that only means money and gifts, think about other ways you receive things abundantly that make you feel whole. When you realize you have plenty and there is plenty to go around for everyone, the way you interact with the world changes. If you do get a little surprise in your bank account, use it wisely. Save it for a rainy day or invest it and watch it continue to grow with you.

LEO ~The Magician

You know it’s going to be a fun time when the Magician shows up to party! Chances are good you’ll have lots of opportunities to share your victories over the dinner table when you go to all the holiday feasts and festivities you’ll inevitably be invited to this month. You have so much confidence sometimes it looks easy how you speak things into existence. Stay focused and be clear with those words or you’re going to live to regret how powerful you truly are, Leo! You have many talents, but sometimes the loud roar scares people away instead of impressing them with your grand vocal cords. They might be say what lovely teeth you have, but they might also be slowly slinking away while they’re also thinking about how you probably plan to bite with them, too. Go ahead and show off how many special skills and hidden talents you have for the audience. It’s fun putting on a performance, but remember to shift back to your old self after your stage presence starts to wear thin. Being ON all the time is a recipe for burning out faster than you can spell fried crispy.

VIRGO ~The High Priestess

Scorpio vibes are looking good on you this month. Are you ready for Sagittarius season to stroll in and start trying to solve your mysterious demeanor? You have been learning a lot about yourself. You’re finding things out that you forgot or thought you outgrew, but you miss it. Go ahead and indulge your inner child and play with the skeletons in your closet if you want to keep up the creepy aesthetic you picked up from Samhain or Halloween. If your Tarotscope was a song, it would be Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. If things get away from you, pause and ask yourself, “What Would Stevie Do?” Go with your gut and trust your feelings. You tend to ignore them, but right now you’re walking blindly into the mist and it’s easy to get disoriented when you can’t read the map or find the right landmarks in the fog. Sometimes you act like none of this bothers you, but being passive doesn’t mean it’s ok to be a pushover. Stick to your guns if something feels wrong. Speak up and let the knowledge and experience you carry with you along the way help you make the right choice at the next fork in the road. If you find a literal fork, pick it up. There’s supposed to be something going on with pie later this month…

LIBRA ~The Chariot

I don’t read reversals here, but this is important because if this card is reversed it’s a wreck, not a free ride. There are people holding doors open for you and driving you around like royalty right now because you are cared about and they want to help give you a break. You have a lot to do, but you also have all the motivation and energy to get it done because you accepted the lift and agreed to meet for dinner instead of cooking again. Those little conservational choices are fragile when you’re carrying your energy around like an old handbag. Treat your precious cargo like you’re on the way to the bank. The road is rolling out before you as long as you can keep up a steady pace. Remember when Forrest Gump just felt like running? Run, Libra, Run! You have a few more finish lines to cross before 2021 is over.

SCORPIO ~Ace of Swords

Strike while the iron is hot, Scorpio. You’re building up some mental toughness and intellectual agility right now. Go play trivia with your friends. Get a new journal. Apply for that job you can’t stop thinking about every day. There’s something big on the horizon and it’s not just your shadow trying to steal your front row seat. The pen is mightier than the sword, so take some time to write out those deep thoughts you’ve been drowning in. You’re familiar with these waters, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get tired of constantly being wet. Don’t worry about sinking. You are a strong swimmer. Take breaks to tread water when you get overwhelmed by the vastness surrounding you. You might start to notice it’s heating up once the Sagittarius sun rises in the distance. Soak up all of the glory you get from the darkness and the light. This lack of daylight thing only gets to you if you stay inside all day. Go out and stay sharp. Maybe bring that pen and paper with you in case you get struck by a powerful idea or two that almost seem to knock the wind out of you.

SAGITTARIUS ~5 of Swords

You’re up against the wall, and they have you surrounded. Don’t whip out the white flag just yet, Sagittarius. You might not be willing to compromise your beliefs about how things are supposed to go, but that doesn’t mean others don’t have something to teach YOU. You don’t have to have every answer. Be open to listening to what other people have to share and be open to outside help and guidance. It's not admitting defeat if you have to say, “I don’t know.” Just add, “but I’ll find out, or ask someone who does know and get back to you!” If it takes the wind out of your sails to admit you don’t have all the answers, try going back to your books and lick your wounds with a paperback in hand while you heal your ego. It’s almost your turn to celebrate another trip around the Sun, so rest up so you’re ready for next month. Study like every day is another pop quiz waiting to happen. Keep learning and never let your guard down again.

CAPRICORN ~6 of Cups

Somebody is here to party! This time of year always makes you long for things from your past that remind you of growing older or fantasizing about being where you are now. Is this anything like you imagined? It’s different because you’re not the same age. You’ve grown older and wiser in the most brilliant and agile way possible. Capricorns always age gracefully because they pay close attention to where they step until their muscle memory takes over and they’re basically running laps on autopilot. That doesn’t mean you can’t stop when you’re ready for a break. Eventually everything needs repaired or restored. Take it one cup at a time, or you might be seeing it all again once you’ve finished chugging number 6. Reckless abandon might get the better of you if you turn off cruise control. Ease out of those nostalgic day dreams and keep your eyes on the road. You’re going somewhere now. See how much fun it can be to hop off the hamster wheel, Cap!


You’re really embracing this new beginning. It feels good to make a break for it and start fresh. Things always feel easy the first few steps into it, but before long you’re muddling your way through the thick of things and starting to panic. You’re never going to get where you want to go if you constantly keep turning around and starting from the beginning again. You grow through what you go through, so let yourself get all the way to the end before you try something else. You might not mind floating from thing to thing, but you know sometimes you’re not as carefree as you act. Make sure it’s not coming off as careless to people you want to keep going through this journey with, or you might find yourself going it alone when you start over next time. Seize the day. You’re good at looking for silver linings and bright sides, Aquarius. You can make the most out of any situation even if you wind up taking a few wrong turns.

PISCES ~8 of Pentacles

Things have been pretty serious for you lately. You’ve been keeping your ducks in a row and carefully taking care of business. This month your hard work will lead to a promising opportunity in the near future. You will be recognized for making a consistent effort to continue improving and fine tuning your skills. It’s a goal of yours to be seen as an expert, and that dream is about to become a reality very soon. Keep showing up and doing your best. Take your time and give yourself ample breaks. When you rest, you build those muscles and heal and form new pathways so you can keep getting better every day. Don’t push too hard. You’re determined and dedicated, that’s certainly obvious, but you won’t be satisfied with the results if you’re too tired, burnt out and stressed when you finally reach the final destination you’ve worked so hard to grasp.

OCTOBER Tarotscopes 2021

october tarotscopes 2021 tarot card reading quartzandcoal quartz and coal horoscopes

October Tarotscopes ~ 2021

The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

October is a busy month full of Retrograde chaos and relief in equal measure. Libra Season loves to strike a balance, even when it’s unclear how to divide things up in fair portions. This month, take time to work on your schedule and make sure you’re getting plenty of rest to even out the overtime and the heavy lifting you’re doing this harvest season. You’ve had a busy summer—pandemic or not—and it’s time to take a break for your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

As the big planets station direct, you might feel like your vision slowly clears up and you can see things in a new way. Mercury RX was especially challenging for a lot of people with strong aspects to this combination of planetary clusterfuckery. Check your chart and the astrological look ahead below to see if you can navigate through these troubled waters and come out on the other side unscathed.

Speaking of troubled waters, Scorpio Season sends us out the other side of October. Water seasons effect everyone in a myriad of ways. For many, this is one of the easier times to swim in the depths because Spooky Season kinda softens the blow of self-reflection in those tide pools and puddles of shadow work and soul searching.

As the Wheel of the Year turns into a new beginning, take time to remember what you’ve been through since this time last year. What worked? What didn’t? What changed? How have things stayed the same? How do you feel about that, and how do you want to adjust your sails so you can navigate onward?

Let the leaves show you how beautiful change can be, and let the trees show you how important letting go is so you can rest and prepare to begin again—bigger, stronger and wiser. Get the most out of harvest season to set yourself up for a comfortable, cozy, rejuvenating winter.

If this is the turning point for your retail business, and you’re about to crank things up a notch for the holidays, use some of the abundance you’ve generated to hire help, ask for an extra hand and outsource what you can. Set up systems and streamline your processes to avoid as many headaches as possible. Easier said than done, but it’s well worth the effort to invest in a smooth transition year after year once you’ve built something durable, scalable and sustainable for the long road ahead.

Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. 

ARIES ~ Page of Pentacles

Go get ‘em, Aries! This month you’re on the hunt for a new business opportunity. You’re ready for a big change and a lifestyle upgrade. You’re about to start manifesting all the big ambitions you’ve been aspiring to and putting in the blood, sweat and tears to back it up. Crack the books and pass those exams. Take the extra step to up-level your branding, raise your prices, ask for the promotion and more PTO, and go ahead and get the extra insurance for anything you’re buying right now. It is Mercury Retrograde (and like a million other planets RX right now!) So just be careful, cautious, considerate, and cover all of your bases. Ambitious people don’t become successful by being impulsive, making rash decisions, and deviating from the plans they made when they were in the zone. If you think Libra’s airy energy is making you feel the pressure, wait until Scorpio season begins. You’ll feel the simultaneous emotional typhoon and the balancing bliss only a water sign can bring you. What are you expecting Libra to bring into perfect harmony for you first?


You’re finally getting into a flow at work, and things keep falling into place for you wherever your responsibilities are concerned. You lucky dog! Taurus, things have a way of working out for you, and this month is full of potential treasure troves for the taking. Go out there and start digging deeper. We know you secretly love those calluses you’re constantly slathering with lotion. Hard work is satisfying and it helps you sleep even better! Focus on making some big business moves for yourself or your company. The possibilities are endless when you continue to listen to your intuition and do the right thing—not only for you, but for everyone involved. Take a minute to make sure these changes don’t negatively impact people you share responsibilities with or the hard work might turn out to be destroying what you thought you were building.

GEMINI ~ Queen of Pentacles

Have you checked on your account balances recently, Gemini? It seems all this diligent laying in waiting you’ve been perfectly during this down time has been paying off—in compound interest. All the bills are paid easily, in full and in advance when that’s the intention you set. Everything is in tip-top shape, in good working order and ready to be put to good use when it’s put away in it’s special place. Be realistic about your time right now, and start making practical decisions that will continue to pay off for your future self. Invest your time and energy into things that nurture you mind, body and soul. It’s important to keep building up that Mad Money Account, squirreling away those $10 bills for a rainy day and feeding that piggy bank all of your loose change. Every lucky penny you pick up adds up! Like Cardi B says, “If it’s up, then it’s up, then it’s up…I know that’s right!”

CANCER ~ The Hierophant

This time of year always makes you start to feel extra sentimental. Cozy, hygge vibes send you to the couch snuggled up with a blanket, a warm mug of tea, hot cocoa, spiked cider or another pumpkin spice latte to sift through old photos and remember your favorite spooky season traditions. It’s not unusual for you to have exceedingly higher expectations from year to year during the holiday season. You love this time surrounded with friends and family so much, you do everything you can to make it special. Sometimes you do it for the wrong reasons though, Cancer. If people don’t ask for you to go the extra mile, it’s not their fault you feel disappointed when they don’t thank you for your efforts. Do up the special little details and make it as memorable as possible FOR YOU. You know everyone else will enjoy it, or they wouldn’t keep coming back for more each year. Stick to your principles and keep your expectations healthy—meaning shift the focus back to making yourself happy with the outcome. Making yourself the center of attention is basically a tradition anyway, just make sure it’s for the right reasons.

LEO ~ The Hanged Man

It can feel harder than usual to stand out and feel special when everyone is dressing up and doing all the extra fun fall festivities. Don’t let that stop you from putting on a show. Try not to RSVP Yes to the pity parties. If you feel like you’re giving up a lot to make things easier for others, just know it’ll be your turn again soon. Sacrifices teach you about give and take, and they make being on the receiving end that much sweeter. Avoid feelings of resentment by making sure your big lion heart is in the right place when you make these decisions and put forth the effort to serve and help others. Doing something with the kindness and compassionate nature is part of what everyone loves about you. You might feel stuck in a rut, but you’re closer to breaking free and roaming wild than you realize. Hindsight isn’t as valuable before you get it. Handle these stagnant waters with dignity and make sure you’ll still feel proud to hold your head high after they’ve evaporated.

VIRGO ~ Queen of Wands

You’re still feeling yourself in the afterglow of Virgo season and Libra vibes have a way of showing you how to brush off the dust and let loose just enough to feel excited about things on the horizon. The freedom and self confidence infusing your actions this month are paying off big time. When you look good you feel good, and when you feel good you do good. There’s nothing wrong with doing a seasonal change up with your look, rocking your favorite fall outfit or splurging on a new sweater or some slick boots if they’re something you’ll put to good use, too. Maintain your composure and dole out compliments as quickly as you receive them. This time of year has people starting to look inward as they start staying indoors and reflecting on the year that’s almost over. The last quarter is a great time for you to really step it up and show off what you’ve learned and how you can help others. Get creative and find a way to do it while still ensuring your independence isn’t interrupted. Healthy boundaries are beautiful.

LIBRA ~ The World

When it’s your time to shine, you don’t shy away, Libra! Get your eyes checked and use the Mercury RX energy to go through your old magazines and work on a new vision board. The Big Picture is coming into view when you least expect it. Keep your eyes wide open and try not to blink. As Saturn stations direct mid-month, you’ll certainly experience a sense of wholeness as a new download helps you turn the page and dive into a new chapter. You might even be finishing one book and jumping into a new one with even bigger words and bolder pictures. Dig in and keep saying yes to the adventures that stir your senses and make your intuitive spidey sense tingle. Change is all around you, and you won’t be left behind if you’re willing to take a leap of faith and see what you might’ve been missing out on before this shift. Keep saying YES to yourself. You know what you need to make it happen. You’re prepared to do the work and take the steps necessary to rest and reach out for help when you need it. Keep walking the line, Libra. You’re getting there!

SCORPIO ~ Justice

Later this month, Scorpio season begins and you’re prepared to remind everyone it’s your turn to make the important decisions. Libra season reminded you about building a blended lifestyle to balance out the work and play so you can enjoy your day and have it your way. It’s not easy keeping everyone happy and making sure every situation feels fair to all involved, but you certainly do your very best not to step on toes or offend anyone in the process, Scorpio. Not on purpose, anyway! You don’t have to keep it a secret if you feel like things aren’t going smoothly, or if someone needs to know important details to make new decisions that will suit them and the group in the long run. It doesn’t always work out for everyone, and it’s not your fault or your job to decide that for others. You might want to make a little post-it that says, “don’t shot the messenger.'“ If you have to fire a coworker or give somebody a raise or promotion and it doesn’t feel like they deserve it, remember it’s not your job to be the judge of how things work out for them. Abide by the Golden Rule and treat others the way you want to be treated. It all comes out in the wash, and justice will prevail.

SAGITTARIUS ~ 5 of Pentacles

Despite your typical optimism and upbeat attitude about things, you might be feeling especially run down and out of steam this month, Sag. Whether you’re suffering from physical or mental illnesses after a whirlwind summer, or you’re starting to feel the affects of shorter days, less good lighting and fewer opportunities to share your pearls of wisdom, remember this too shall pass. Try to practice self-love and a lot of compassion and tenderness this month. Treat yourself the way you treat your BFF and your beloveds. Tend to your mind, body and soul like you do your favorite houseplant. Rock bottom is an excellent place to build from, and you’re a fan of fresh starts so get some much needed rest and get ready to roll up your sleeves once you bounce back. Remember everything is temporary. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was probably a Sagittarius too, and she’d remind you that a person can stand just about anything for 10 seconds, and then you just start on a new 10 seconds. Keep cranking it out 10 seconds at a time, and you’ll get through this rough patch in no time.

CAPRICORN ~ Knight of Swords

You’re taking on some heavy lifting this month, and it’s important not to get too hasty about it so nobody gets hurt, especially you. Pushing through the pain doesn’t make you brave if it results in an injury you might not be able to bounce back from like normal. There’s plenty of time to get everything checked off the list and take on all the extra tasks you pile on your plate without being asked. Try doing something a little different this time around, and divvy up a couple easy to-do’s no one else could possibly screw up, even if it doesn’t get done exactly how you would do it. Perfection isn’t as important as position when the outcomes are served. If you’re free to get in line early, you’ll get the best seat and the freshest food. Showing up late because you’re toiling away on details no one notices that could certainly wait until later or be hired out means you get the nose bleed seats and a cold meal of scraps and crumbs. You work too hard to settle for less. Step away from the front lines and let someone else step up and fight for a while. You can battle with even more bravery when you’re rested and refreshed. Put on your own oxygen mask first, Cap!

AQUARIUS ~ 7 of Pentacles

Aquarius, you’ve been patiently saving and waiting for a big splurge and it’s almost time to cash in on it. You reap what you sow and you’ve sown so many seeds all season. Harvest time is upon you. Make room for the bounty and stretch your surplus by sharing with others who spent their time growing things you don’t have on hand. Bartering is just another way to create abundance, even if it feels like you’re trading down. Hold on a little longer. It’s exhausting working hard and paying your dues, but you know when it’s an investment in the future the fruit tastes sweeter once you can finally eat it. The effort needed to pick all the ripe, juicy goodness so you can store for winter will be well worth it when you’re resting and enjoying a much needed break very soon. Push through this last leg of the race and finish with a smile on your face. Keep training for these marathons. You have what it takes to run many in your lifetime. Each one has its own rewards, but you already knew that, too. Send out those invitations for your annual Friendsgiving feast early. No one wants to miss the opportunity to hear about all you’ve learned this time around the Sun.

PISCES ~ 3 of Wands

Things are changing and you’re ready for something bigger and better. Reaching this milestone brings with it a cast of characters ready to applaud you and celebrate your achievements. Through a lens of sharp determination and perseverance, you’ve made it through some truly terrible times and made it out alive. On the other side of your journey, you bring with you scars raised like Braille that tell a different version of your story to those who weren’t there to see it. Let the waves of Scorpio season wash away your doubts and fears. Let the salt water help heal any wounds you’ve still been trying to keep clean. Every battle hasn’t ended in a victory, but this one should be chalked up as a win. You’re still alive to tell about it and pass along the stories and the lessons you’ve learned. You take pride in helping others avoid the same scars and stings. Pick your battles going forth. As you move up the ranks, you get to call the shots, ride the horse and look on from a high ground you worked hard to climb up to reach. You’re humble, but don’t be embarrassed about taking a bow. You deserve this toast and the round of applause surrounding you right now. Soak it all in, Pisces. You earned it.

SEPTEMBER Tarotscopes 2021

september tarotscopes quartzandcoal tarot card readings horoscopes astrology

The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

So long sweet summer. It’s Virgo Season with 4 planets in Retrograde with Mercury preparing to throw a wrench in things at the end of the month to make it 5. Back up your hard drive, save things in the cloud, print your pictures from your phone and write down your contacts in a tiny phone book just to be safe.

The back-to-school vibes of Virgo and the last 3 weeks of summer are always bittersweet and thick with all the reminiscing and fresh starts happening left and right. Every time you turn around something new is coming at you, and you’re feeling worn out from all the hot weather and long days. The time to hunker down in sweatpants and rest is fast approaching.

Fall in love with Libra season and watch the leaves put on a magical show for you. Bake some pumpkin bread, change your coffee order to an iced PSL on the last few sunny days you’ll get this season and remember how much you loved a hot PSL with extra cinnamon and pumpkin foam when it’s rainy, crisp and fall-ish outside.

Sharpen your pencils, get a new planner, and get ready for the holidays to sneak up on you FAST. This month is a pivotal transition period as you reap the harvest of all your hard work under the hot sun and transform it into a reserve for fall and winter. Prepare to share the bounty you can’t store or save during this busy season. It’s better to give away your extra instead of letting it go to waste. Save some seeds for next year, dry fresh herbs and say a little spell under the Virgo New Moon on September 6 to start planning your goals for next year. This is when I like to think about picking my new Word of the Year for next year.

After the double Aquarius Full Moon’s you just experienced, big changes are on the horizon. Think about how you want to spend the last quarter of 2021. My advice—rest, relax, reflect and restore, then get ready to get spooky after the last spoke of the Wheel of the Year passes on the Autumnal Equinox (Sept. 22), or Mabon from September 21 through the 29 if you’re feeling extra witchy. Make the most of Mercury Retrograde by taking this advice. Wash, rinse, repeat as needed!

Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. 

ARIES ~ 4 of Pentacles

You love the Back to School vibes of Virgo season, Aries, and this year is no different. You’re ready to scorch the earth and leave no stone unturned as you prepare to finish out the rest of the year strong. Tend to your finances and try to be more savvy and less spendy this month. Take some time to feel some nostalgia and gratitude for the things you already have in your home and in your life. Maybe take this opportunity to clean up and rearrange things in a way that stirs up joy in unexpected ways. Take care of your little corner of the world and get ready to buckle down for the holidays creeping around the corner. You’ll be glad you have your ducks in a row if anything unexpected happens in the near future. Save for rainy, snowy and sunny days. This is a great time to make a detailed budget, cut unnecessary expenses, and move funds around to get closer to the goals that matter long term.

TAURUS ~ Strength

Taurus is coming in clutch this month. There’s no mountain you can’t climb, no challenge you won’t accept and no denying your stick-to-it-iveness in September. You’ve been training and preparing for this moment whether you realized it or not, so rest assured you can and you will do this! You’ve got it in the bag. It feels kind of unreal and super easy to witness that magical moment when everything comes together to create something magical. Sit back and soak it up as this series of successes and small wins stack up. You don’t need to say yes to every opportunity that comes along, and those naps and luxurious long weekends have been paying off because you’re rested and ready to conquer the world right now. Stay in your lane and you’ll go far.

GEMINI ~ 7 of Cups

These cups are lined up in what appears to be a fork in the road. You have decisions to make. Even though whichever path you choose will lead you to the same destination, each trail has its own set of trials, tribulations and triumphs. Choose wisely. Listen to your intuition and do a gut check every time you start to feel lost and uncertain about your next step. You know it’s ok to turn around and go back the other way if you need to, but you don’t like going backwards. Sometimes the reflection in the puddles can create illusions that make one way look messier than the other, but you’re always wearing the right shoes to go the distance—both pairs, Gemini twins! Let your emotions ride shot gun. When you’ve had 7 cups, deeper meaning and intuitive insights are your best designated driver.

CANCER ~ the Hermit

It’s hunker down time for you, Cancer. You’re always a little hesitant when you end up on dry land. Stay on the ocean floor, deep in your feels instead of trying to hang out in the shallow waters right now. There’s a lot on your mind, and you don’t feel like hearing anyone else’s opinions about how you live your life. Learning things about yourself will prove very valuable and help you venture into new territory you never imagined you’d experience. The world is more than your oyster. Spend some time tending to your shell and all the inner work you need to remain strong and steadfast through the rough and tumble rip tides and rough waves. Rest and write instead of RSVPing yes to everything right now. You can get all the socializing you want soon. Sit this one out and learn something new about yourself this September.

LEO ~ 8 of Cups

After the wild party that was Leo season, everyone left their solo cups all over your lawn. It’s time to clean up and get back to the things you’ve been neglecting since you threw caution to the wind to enjoy some fun in the sun. You got to have it your way, and now it’s time to get grounded and figure out your next big move. It’s a little disorienting going back to work after vacation. That first day back is always kind of a waste of time, but you’ll get your bearings and be back in action in no time. This lull will allow you to find something extra awesome to work hard on so you can justify your next opportunity to play hard. You’re good at finding a way to do both, Leo. It’s ok to be the new kid in class. Let this Virgo season teach you something about fresh starts and finding new ways to solve old problems.

VIRGO ~ 3 of Cups

Happy birthday, Virgo! We hope this solar return is something special for you. The 3 of Cups are here to propose a toast in your honor, and surround you with your ride or die crew. You’ll know who is with you and who is there for the free food. Keep an eye out to see who is cheering you on and who is soaking it all in so they can go spill the tea at their weekly brunch and bitch with their other friends. You value honesty and loyalty, but actions speak louder than words, and you’ve heard it all. You know who you want to invite to the after party with you and who you want to send home without a plate of leftovers. Be as intentional and meticulous with your guest list and your seating arrangements as you are with everything else. You deserve to be celebrated! Enjoy the party, and take the day off for your birthday so you can rest. Things are about to shift in a big way for you.

LIBRA ~ 2 of Swords

The scales keep tipping as you duel between the Good Libra and the Bad Libra in you. Looking at things in a very analytical, logical way might not be what you’re used to, but it’s the best way to handle everything coming your way right now. Things feel very emotionally heavy as you work things out. You’ll get through it and feel incredible just in time to celebrate your special season very soon! Keep showing up being supportive and making everything you touch sparkle. The little bit of magic you leave where you go really does brighten the room when you’re in the mood to shine. Everyone gets caught under a landslide of emotions sometimes. Brush yourself off, and keep going. There’s plenty you can do with your hands full, but it’s a good idea to be more strategic about your approach and ask for help in the areas you don’t feel confident carrying out yourself. You never know who you might rub elbows with along the way.

SCORPIO ~ 10 of Wands

They say chopping wood keeps you warm twice. This month you’re doing the due diligence necessary to make your future self happy later on. Carrying the heavy load isn’t easy, but you make it look effortless. Maybe it’s the way you work a little at a time, all the time until it’s time for the final, quick blow that seals the deal. Your sting is especially strong right now, so be gentle when it comes to getting help. If you bark orders and bite the hands that feed, you’ll find yourself alone and hungry. Try to be a team player for the time being to make sure things get done efficiently without any hurt feelings. Juggling all these responsibilities is delicate work. You’re the best person for the job, but two hands are better than one, and ten extra hands make quick work of big jobs like stacking all those logs for a warm, cozy winter.

SAGITTARIUS ~ Queen of Cups

Ah, dear, Sagittarius. The Queen of Cups is here to serve up something warm + cozy on those crisp fall days, and they have plenty of iced tea, lemonade and refreshing beverages for the last few dog days of summer. The Queen has arrived with listening ears, an open heart and lots of compassion to help you navigate whatever life throws at you this month. You’ve got a shoulder to cry on, someone to cheer you on and the perfect companion to celebrate all of your wins with through this busy transition. You’re growing and evolving in incredible ways, and the empathy is very overwhelming at times. Learn to love yourself in new ways. Be tender and kind. Take your inner child on some play dates! You need to make sure you’re giving yourself as much support and understanding as you give everyone else. Drink it in this September. Self-love is #1 on your to-do list.


Death comes knocking to let you know every ending is a new beginning. As the leaves begin to transform before your eyes, you’re about to shed your skin and slither into a new world. When things get stale or run their course it’s time to throw it out and move on. You’ve been treading water and feeling dead inside for a while. This is the last nail in the coffin. Put everything to rest that isn’t serving your greater good or playing into your big dreams and long term plans. It’s time to implement a fresh strategy you haven’t tried yet. Remember that terrible boss you used to have when you didn’t have the boundaries to give yourself bathroom breaks or take a day off? You learned from that situation and you’ve grown tremendously since then. You’re ready for some challenges that are more fulfilling and less taxing on your nervous system. You’ve scaled the mountains, Capricorn. You’re closing in on a place where you can enjoy the view and live your best life very, very soon. You just have a few cords to cut and loose ends to tie up before things unravel completely. Watch the perennials drop their seeds and come back next spring if you need guidance. It’ll be that time again before you know it. Plan on being somewhere new by then, or the scenery won’t change.

AQUARIUS ~ 9 of Wands

It’s time to flex on a few people who aren’t pulling their weight. You’re done playing it safe and being diplomatic about everything. When you want something done right, do it yourself or bear the burden of dealing with subpar work. This card feels full of sports analogies. Play defense. Be tenacious. Give it all you’ve got and leave it all on the field. Swing for the fence. Go balls to the wall. Not sure if that one is sexual or sporty, but either way, get sweaty. There’s a ton of Mars energy coming out of this card, and it’s feisty. Do whatever it takes to keep this spicy attitude contained so you don’t accidentally burn any bridges. You can carry a lot, Water Bearer, but just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should. Remember done is better than perfect, and don’t get tripped up on the details. Aim for less micromanaging, more of a team player approach this month, Aquarius.

PISCES ~ The Lovers

Teamwork makes the dream work, Pisces. The Lovers don’t necessarily mean a romantic connection. When it comes to making decisions and taking steps towards your future, it’s a good idea to consider your values and stop focusing on so many unilateral moves this month. Take a vote. Ask others who are directly effected by these decisions to weigh in and help come to an agreement now instead of an argument later. There are very few things happening that only involve you. Decide to be more inclusive, more accommodating and more accepting of other people’s opinions. Take some with a grain of salt, but constructive feedback is helpful. If it’s hurtful, ask yourself what deep rooted values are feeling pulled and triggered by these situations. Remember everyone is a mirror. Things we see, feel and judge about others are often a deep-seated reflection of how you truly feel about yourself but might turn a blind eye. Look at these situations like you would a lover. Be compassionate with yourself and others. You all have a lot to learn from one another. Embrace the rollercoaster of love.

Get your very own personal Snail Mail Tarot Card Reading today! Choose 1, 2 or 3 cards sent to your actual mailbox with a magical message from the Universe and yours truly. Snag yours by DMing me on Instagram @quartzandcoal. Thank you!

AUGUST Tarotscopes 2021

august tarotscopes by quartz and coal business astrology

August Tarotscopes ~ 2021

The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

Leo Season has arrived and it’s time for your inner child to get outside and soak up the sunshine while it’s here. Play in a river, lake or ocean. Lay in the grass and sit by the window as much as possible. Get all the Vitamin D you can handle—while wearing a safe, broad spectrum SPF, of course!

Wear the flashy sunglasses and dress up like every day is a special occasion—because it is! Celebrate like and the abundance all around us this time of year. Visit the farmers market and stock up on sun-ripened produce, get a bouquet of wild flowers and dry some herbs for winter soups, stews and root veggie roasting!

It’s almost time for Virgo to stroll in and stand with authority to remind us it’s also time to start planning and storing things for use at a later date. The Back-to-School vibe is strong, even if you don’t have students in your household. Go ahead and get the pretty planner and start mapping out some goals and big projects.

Virgo Season is one of my favorites, and I’m here for the structure and the stamina powered by the sunshine making it happen before the days start getting noticeably shorter. Use your Tarotscopes to find something to focus on this month. There’s gonna be a lot of big planetary bumper car rides to survive during festival season. Buy the wristband so you can ride all the rides, and always remember to BUCKLE UP! It’s going to be intense.

Scroll down to see what the cards have to say to you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. 


The vibe is extra heavy for you this month, Aries. It might feel like as soon as you got all your shit together, everything started falling apart. Just like building a sand castle at the beach, the tide always comes in. Dig deep to find solid ground to brace for impact. This might not seem like a good strategy when all the sand underneath is sucking you in and slowing you down, but inevitably you’ll reach a point where the ground surrounding you will support what you build above it. Focus on foundational elements when it feels like the suffering is inescapable. Right now, your relationships might be on the rocks or up in the air, and the only way to make it easier is to talk through it. The air from 3 swift swords can either blow out your fire or stoke it to help you burn brighter. Use this wind to change course if you need to navigate in a new direction to avoid losing your way.


Leo Season has a lot of temptation for the faint of heart. You love napping in the sun just as much as those fab felines, but don’t let this wild time of year get you in trouble. Tune in to what might cause a wandering eye or make you feel a little naughty. This goes back to something deeper you’ve been ignoring about why you might consider pursuing some extra attention elsewhere. Use this energy to lurk in the shadows of your soul and come to an understanding about what needs are not being met. Read something like the 5 Love Languages and see how you can be a more nurturing, supportive partner, friend and human in all your relationships. Focus on your strengths. When you’re tapped into the purest part of your spirit and your essence, you’ll attract all the attention you can handle from the right people.


Right now, you’re focused on creating some support systems and hammering out the details to make like easier and more enjoyable for everyone. You’re tired of sitting on the side lines and waiting for things to change. Make changes where you have control. You might be feeling overwhelmed because you feel like everything is out of your control. You know that’s not a permanent mood. This is the right time to get your ducks in a row and spend some quality time with the ones you love and care about in a really present, genuine way. Make memories you can look back on fondly for decades. There are plenty of options. Only you can decide to use this time wisely and make the most out of this opportunity before time is up. Give extra hugs and kisses. Tell people how grateful you are for the things they do for you or just for being a presence in your life. Show people the way you want to be treated and get ready for the world to love you right back. We all need a hug right now.


Summer is zooming by and it feels like as soon as the thought is formed or the words leave your lips you get what you want in record breaking time. Everyone is cutting to the punchline, telling better stories and keeping you entertained. If you have questions, the Universe has answers. You can’t get what you don’t ask for either, so ask away! Make sure to dot your i’s and cross your t’s or some of these lightning fast messages might backfire and create a big mess. Leo Season is filled with heated debates and a lot of leaping to conclusions. Dial it down a notch and watch your tone. Just because those lions are being rowdy, it doesn’t mean you need to pipe in or provoke them. The best thing to do with this energy is to try and keep up with the conversation at hand. Don’t interrupt, or sit their planning your response. Actively listen and engage with thoughtful questions and meaningful, supportive comments. There are worse things than putting your foot in your mouth for speaking too soon. Try not to say anything you’ll regret later.

LEO ~ 6 of WANDS

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEO! This month feels like a victory lap for all the due diligence you’ve been logging. It’s time to make a toast and cheers to yourself. Like my favorite Snoop Dogg speech, it might sound a little like this, “Last but not least, I’d like to thank me. I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all this hard work. I want to thank me for having no days off…” We know, we get it. You are your biggest fan, and you think you’re great. Keep showing up to do the work and you’ll keep deserving the praise that follows. You’ve made a lot of progress and you absolutely have every right to celebrate. Be careful not to cross the line between cocky and confident. Celebrate your big achievements with people who are clapping with you. Make note of anyone in the crowd who might just be there for the free cake. There’s only room for people who are proud of you. Keep an eye out for anyone trying to swoop in and steal your thunder.


Virgo, you’re always prepared to win, and now is your time to shine. This is like a successful pre-game that sets you up for your best performance yet. You’ll be breaking records, setting new personal bests and bringing home the gold. Once you secure the bag, you’ll be making it rain at the after party. You are showing up and shining bright, my friend. The abundance of a summer bounty is on it’s way and you’re ready to squirrel it away for a cozy, rainy day. Taking the wheel and heading in the right direction right now is going to take you far. You’re in the drivers seat. Don’t forget to signal when you’re turning and ease into those big curves, but you’ll still get where you want to go in warp speed. Right now you’re just getting warmed up. When you enter Virgo Season, you’re going to need to stop for gas. Remember to check all the fluid levels and keep the right amount of air in the tires to avoid any extra damaging wear and tear.


This month feels like running a 4x400 with the perfect team. Your hand offs are perfectly executed. Your stride is smooth and swift. You are hydrated, nourished and dressed perfectly for the occasion. You’re here to win and nothing is standing in your way. The joy and satisfaction that comes from a performance like this is the result of playing the long game. You’ve practiced, planned, prepared and prayed in your own special way. Everything leads up to moments like these. This is what that elusive balance everyone strives for feels like and you’re a model citizen for it right now. Say thank you to all the compliments you’re getting. Say you’re welcome instead of no problem when people thank you. Those little pleasantries go a long way when it comes to developing the relationships you need to keep the teamwork strong to make the dreamwork possible. This satisfaction is the stuff people joke about wanting to bottle up and save for later, but you’ve built something sustainable. It’s only going to grow as big as you can handle from here. You’re doing an excellent job!


You’re feeling it. We know how hot it gets when you choose to wear all black during the hottest, sunniest time of year. You have other options, so don’t sweat and suffer when you can simply slip into something more comfortable. You might be feeling a lot of empathy for pinatas. It feels a lot like getting a beat down, and everyone is swinging at you from every direction. You could cut the tension and the humidity with a knife right now, Scorpio. Remember, there are places you can seek refuge if you need to relax in the AC for a while. If you ask someone for a glass of water, don’t assume they’re only going to throw it in your face. Besides, it might feel kinda nice if they did dump it on you. Let things play out, but don’t let anyone treat you like shit. You don’t deserve it. Be open and honest. When we see you rear up, we know it’s a warning you’re about to strike. The least anyone else can do is let you know it’s coming instead of blindsiding you. Lay low and let this wild energy pass. Hints that fall is on the way have been popping up all over the place. You know you’ve almost made it to your favorite time of year. Go ahead, start decorating for Samhain/Halloween/Spooky Season. Planting pumpkins in the summer is a good way to ensure you get to enjoy an extra magical fall.


Dang, Sag. You’ve been busy! It’s time to surrender to some sleep and super lazy summer days. Find the nearest hammock. Sit in the shade. Drink lemonade or iced tea and savor every light breeze you can catch. You’ve been buzzing through the last few months making it look easy, but it’s starting to slow you down. Things take the time they take, and if you’re the best person for the job, you better believe all that’s left to do will be waiting for you when you get back to work. It’s not going anywhere! You might not want to stop because you love the fiery Leo vibes right now, but the big planets are having their way with us and nobody is immune. Think of it like a benefit analysis. Taking the time to rest and restore your energy now is going to set you up for a booming Virgo Season. Those brainy back-to-school vibes get all up in your philosophical brain and you can’t wait to start cracking books and getting straight A’s. You can remember more when you’re well-rested and you won’t have to worry about missing a day because you got sick if you keep your immune system strong. Take a break. You earned it!


Darling, Capricorn. The glow up has only just begun! You’re busy as a bee covered head to toe in pollen and you’re ready to go picking the ripest, juiciest fruits in the fields, or at least the freshest offerings at the farmers market. The lush abundance of summer, the radiant sun of Leo Season, and the supple, sweetness of it all are a total MOOD for you right now. You’re having some wild feelings watching everything in full bloom. You might even be open to some new, big opportunities that are coming your way. Unintentional pun may or may not be intended—gross but alas, I am but a channel. If you’re open to making some long term decisions, now is a good time to plant the seed(s) in the right place to start growing something that will inevitably take a lot of time and energy along the way. Whether it’s a career move, a new home, an unexpected investment, a new pet, a new family member, or a new relationship in any kind of way, you’re ready to conceive it. Use this energy as a creative outlet until the right opportunity presents itself to bear new fruits of your labor. You are brimming with potential right now!


Ok, Aquarius. I know July with the Tower was especially rough for you. The 4 of Cups doesn’t want to let you forget it, but ruminating about it won’t help you get out of this moody mood. Instead of taking four shots to try and soothe your sorrow, why not chug 4 glasses of water and get a little boost from hydrating. You might even feel up for something fun! It’s not like you to RSVP No. You know those Leos throw excellent parties, and it’s not a competition. Yours are better for whatever it’s worth. The point is, if you’re sitting there starring into your own reflection for too long, you’re going to start imagining things that aren’t there. This month feels like insomnia a week deep at 3 am and the chair in the corner is almost definitely hiding a terrifying monster. Turn the lights on. Open the blinds. Take a shower. Get an iced coffee with a friend and stop saying you’re bored. Start saying you’re curious about what you will happen upon next on this unpredictable adventure. If you can’t stop ruminating, try a gratitude list. Ruminate on the good stuff. Feel your feels, but don’t let it swallow you whole.


Imagine yourself sitting in a hot tub on a cool evening somewhere peaceful and beautiful, surrounded by your favorite people in the world. You had the best meal, your cup is full of your favorite beverage, and you’re feeling like the world is your oyster. Everything you say and do seems to put people under your spell. It feels like the red carpet was rolled out for you, and you’re receiving the royal treatment everywhere you turn. Watch those front parking spots open up for you. Witness people holding doors open and smiling at you like a celebrity. Experience what it’s like to be the star of the show, and you don’t even have to show up! That’s what happens when you see an opportunity and you grab it with both hands. August is your time to carpe that fuckin’ diem and live every moment like it’s your last. Leave it all on the field. If someone offers you something nice, just say thank you and accept the kind gesture. Sometimes people want to do something nice because it makes them feel good too. Flirt back if you want, just be careful you don’t get tricked into a situation you can’t charm your way out of, Pisces!

quartzandcoal august 2021 tarotscopes business astrology zodiac tarot

JULY Tarotscopes 2021

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July Tarotscopes ~ 2021

The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

July starts out with a super moody Cancer vibe for most of July, coming off the summer breeze of Gemini season. Towards the end of the month it’ll be time to stretch and shout out a giant Leo roar to celebrate with a fiery flare and fun loving summer vibe everybody loves.

Mercury is almost out of its shadow period coming off the second retrograde this year, but we still have 4 other planets in retrograde right now. Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto are all turning things on their head to teach you some valuable lessons about who you are, who you’re becoming, and who you need to stop being in order to step into the next version of yourself.

The world around you is changing too. The heat is ON, and I’m not just talk about the sweltering summer temperatures. Summer is an abundant time of year buzzing with all kinds of energetic shifting, growing and transforming. Gardens are filling up with fresh produce to be picked, cities are coming back to life with outdoor festivals and gatherings, and all over the world people are trying their best to impact others.

Let’s see what the cards have to say about it, shall we? Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. Which sign resonates with you the most? Leave it in the comments below!


Pack your go-bag and have one in the trunk and one by the door because this month, you’re ready for an adventure! Ok, maybe not literally, but you could probably still use a short change of scenery to compliment the mood being set by the Knight of Wands. Imagine him standing on the runway using 2 wands to direct you to your next destination, even if it’s a figurate location in the near future. You’re blazing trails everywhere you tread—in the boardroom, at the bar, on the side of a mountain, or the seat of your car. Your eyes are locked on the finish line and you’re on a mission to check all the boxes, fly by every mile marker and blaze past every wrung on the ladder to the top. July is kind of like one of those Ninja Warrior shows, but you’re guaranteed to finish no matter how many challenges and obstacles you find yourself up against. Push forward and feel the burn! It’s a good thing.


Every corner and creeping shadow seems curiously questionable. What’s behind it? What will you find around every bend? You’re usually calculating and cautious about your next move, but this month it’s a good idea to be a little extra careful. Trust your gut and look before you leap. If something seems to be slowing you down, relax and go with the flow. It’s like those wild stories you hear about someone dropping their keys and missing the giant object that would’ve knocked their head off if they were standing. Surrender to the chaos and the countless delays. Sitting in traffic is better than being the one in the wreck who had to rush into dangerous territory. When you’re still and silent you can hear your intuition. It’s quietly whispering to let you know every little thing is gonna be alright. It’s time to play follow the leader. Look to the Moon for your next clue about what to do next.


You are quick like cat this month, Gemini! You’re skillfully making your way into summer as your usual cheeky, chatty, clever self. That sharp tongue is whipping words left and right and everyone is hanging on your every word. Be careful you don’t say something that could cut ties with someone you care about. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, but even if sticks and stones are responsible for breaking bones, words really do hurt people. Even though those words come out quickly, you’re premeditated a lot of those thoughts before they come spewing out. Thoughts are even more powerful than your words, so practice controlling the way you think to make sure you’re saying things with meaning, not just brash musings. You’re good at thinking strategically so use this power for good this month. Help others plan their next vacation, share your words of wisdom with your IG followers to help them get through any challenging times, and chat up strangers from a safe distance of course. You never know how you might impact someone’s day in a more meaningful way with the words you say.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CANCER! Hopefully you’ve had a chance to celebrate and spend a little time out of your shell, even if it’s only for a close, intimate gathering with your nearest and dearest. As much fun as it is to chill in your feels alone, it’s nice to socialize and spend time with your squad. You have a lot to be excited about this month. July brings you big news and high vibes to lift you up out of those choppy, emotional waters up onto the boat so you can enjoy the waves in a new way. When the dread sets in and you aren’t sure about going out, go anyway. You never know who you might bump into, or what stunning sights you might see. You are ready to receive many gifts from the Universe this solar return. It’s time for something new and you’re hyped and ready for anything to happen. That’s the spirit! No sense being crabby all the time. It’s a lot easier to get to know you when people aren’t dodging those painful pinchers you use to maintain your typical emotional distance from others. Let the love in!


Leo, we know you love to celebrate yourself, and it’s almost time to shine, but pace yourself. This month feels like one big party, but it’s more fun if you ride the waves. Instead of trying to conquer the current, ease up and learn to go with the flow. You’ll find a lot of joy relaxing in the sun like the lion-hearted sun baby you are, kitty cat. Things are really starting to settle in and you’re feeling very grateful for all your hard work. You’ve done the time and it’s finally your turn to kick your feet up and soak it all in. Enjoy every luxurious meal, every soft fluffy towel, and every sweet lingering flower wafting their scent your way in July. Those cups are more than half full, and it’s a good time to pass the tray around to spread the love. You can handle all of it, but slow and steady wins the race when it comes to crushing cups of cheer. It’s more fun to have fun with a crowd of friends anyway. Who else are you going to brag about all your big wins to? You’ve already hyped yourself up enough to accomplish it all. Share your good news. They’re ready to indulge you. Think of it as an early birthday present. You’re welcome.


It’s a full circle kinda moment for you, Virgo. You’ve been feeling kinda stuck, and you’re finally done spinning your wheels. Things are in motion! It’s a good time to acknowledge all the cycles you’ve shifted though to get here at a new beginning. Everything ends, but every door that closes jars another one open. It’s weird, but go ahead and open it up and step inside. You’re not trespassing anywhere you’re not supposed to be. You’d never do anything against the rules, so trust your intuition and proceed accordingly. You’re divinely guided to take the next right step right now. Look back on past performance reviews to guide you. Analyze the data and track your stats to make it easier to make carefully calculated decisions along the way. Regardless of what the numbers and your gut have to say, things are going to play out accordingly. You might as well enjoy the merry-go-round of life. Buy the vowels. Make the puzzle easier to solve. You’re due for a win, just don’t overspin and go bankrupt!


Find a penny, pick it up.

All day long, you’ll have good luck.

Libra, it’s a good day to have a good day, so why not do whatever it takes to keep the vibes high all month long. Your dreams are within reach and you’re on cloud 9 about it. Enjoy the good fate and fortunes you’ll find filling your pockets this month. Save some to chase away those rainy days, too. You have enough to put some extra in a safe place. You can always spread it around and share the wealth. This is the best way to pay it forward and set yourself and others up for future success. If there’s a way to invest that’s a win-win for as many people as possible, those are the odds in your favor. Play those numbers! Keep your hands clean and unclenched. It’s easier to receive with open hands, open arms and an open mind. Abundance is your blessing this month, so remember to be grateful even though you totally deserve it.


No complaints from the Scorpios this Cancer Season! All the retrogrades and crazy conjuncts are making you feel calm where many feel chaotic. You secretly (it’s not really a secret) love the drama, so it’s no surprise you’re beaming with delight while everyone is feeling some kinda way. You kept your head down and muscled though the brunt of it and now you’re getting to enjoy your A for effort. There’s still work to do but you’re feeling successful and the progress you’ve made is quite the accomplishment. Bask in the glory and give a shout out to everyone who helped along the way. Keep morale high while you continue to burn bright. This feeling isn’t a fluke. This is what it feels like to get to this point in your life when you’ve done the things and now it’s starting to pay off. The sun never sets on a badass, so keep being your hardcore self with a soft, gooey center and you’ll keep rising to the occasion.


You’re usually feeling pretty put out during these wet, water seasons, especially Cancer. This month you’re more like a gentle, rolling boil. You’ve been learning to adapt. Remember the saying about coffee, potatoes and eggs. Hot water can really show you what you’re made of, and it can make you hard, soft, strong or weak depending on the time you spend steeping in it. This month long voyage on the open water is another opportunity to study the constellations, learn how to tie new knots, and be the captain of your own ship. There’s so much to learn each time you set out on a new path, and the direction you’ve been going is leading you to a magical destination. Use the knowledge and skills you already have in your toolbox to work through your challenges. It’s more rational to work with what you already have accessible to you than it is to keep learning new things and trying to acquire more stuff. You can solve most of your problems with things you already have and answers you’ve used before if you’d pause and do some mental inventory.


Your walking stick is guiding you in a new direction on your path, and you’re excited to see where it’s pointing. Let this enthusiasm help you feel out the next move. You don’t want to be a stick in the mud, so tread lightly. If it’s stuck on a sunny day, look at the shadow to determine what time it is. If you’re burning daylight, it means it’s time to get yourself unstuck and keep moving! There’s no time like the present to change your trajectory. Come up with a new game plan if you’re feeling lost. In true Cancer Season style, it’s important to look for a source of water—like a river—and follow the direction it flows. This is a sure way to find the new opportunities you’re looking for on this route. Once you arrive at your destination, use your wand to draw a line in the sand to scratch out some boundaries. If they start to fade over time, you’ll know it’s time to pack up and move on again, but you’ve got time to find a new spot to settle in before it’s time to mosey on outta there.


You’re in deep doo-doo this month, Aquarius. This month is a complete shit show, but hopefully it’s not literally accurate 😬 This energy is intense, and you feel like everything is falling apart and crashing down all around you. This is typical right before everything falls into place, so fear not! You’re resilient and adaptable, so roll with the punches and try to take a few deep breaths when you’re upset. Revisit a situation when things get heated to a boiling point instead of blowing up. Don’t fight the changes happening. It’s time for a lesson in patience, perseverance and pride. Check all of it and tap into your go with the flow feels. If anyone can build something stronger with the bricks being thrown at them, it’s you Aquarius. Even though you don’t like sticking to one thing for long, it’s still comforting to feel a sense of stability. This simply means spending more time doing grounding activities to balance your wild and free airy energy. Wind and water can make a hurricane or a big, fluffy clouds. Choose how to leverage your powers for the best desired outcomes.


Summer lovin’ and is in the air for your this month, Pisces. Look in the mirror and remind yourself who the eff you are! Raise a glass and toast to everyone you care about throughout July. It’s the perfect time to fill up your social calendar with dates and networking events to build a strong bond. Trust and clear communication are very important components of deep, long term connections. Be open and honest about your expectations from the beginning so no one gets confused about where their time and energy exchange is going. Focus on the strengths you bring to these partnerships and collaborations and seek people who are a good match to compliment where you’re challenged the most. Teamwork makes the dream work. Swimming in a school is familiar territory for you, Pisces. Strength in numbers!

Share your Tarotscopes on IG and tag @QUARTZandCOAL! Comment below about how this resonates with you right now. I hope you have a magical month.

JUNE Tarotscopes 2021

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June Tarotscopes ~ 2021

June is full of retrograde and eclipse energy. It’s a good idea to chill on the spells right now, but it’s a good time to finish up any remaining spring cleaning and reorganizing before the busyness of summer kicks in. The Summer Solstice is coming up soon, and those longer days are starting to feel long sometimes. Make the most of it while it continues to grow with the lush vegetation coming in all around us.

As we float through the beginning of June with the sun in Gemini, it feels like there’s a lot of chatter going on. Be careful with your words. With Mercury Retrograde it can be easy for people to misunderstand or miss the connections and get your message late. You might be on the receiving end of a delayed warning too so if something is trying to slow you down, let it. Embrace the pauses and false starts.

If your computer or phone start acting up, take this as a sign to set it down and do something in real life with your physical body until you feel the energy shift. Once the sun dives into Cancer season towards the end of the month, be ready for a flood of emotions. This is elevated even more when Mercury stations direct on June 22 after Litha/Midsummer and Father’s Day. Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto are also in retrograde this month raising questions and bringing up a lot of internal upheaval. It’s all good as long as you address it instead of trying to avoid or ignore it.

Embrace the chaos and have some fun this month! June is going to be a great month for many people. Read your Tarotscopes below to help you put together a game plan for the next 30 days. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook of this June. 


You’re ready to talk the talk this month, Aries. Those Gemini vibes are coming in strong and your already sharp, quick tongue and slice and dice through any conversation. You’re a word slayer with more witty comebacks than normal. It’s been a while since you’ve had many opportunities to be chatty in social settings, so make sure you keep your strong opinions in check to keep things casual in light of Mercury Retrograde and any confusion that might come up. This could also create a lot of Insert Foot in Mouth moments. Use this energy to network, invite new clients to lunch or dinner dates, have those hard conversations with loved ones and strike up a chat with a stranger. We all miss having more REAL conversations. This card is the sign you’ve been looking for if you’ve been afraid to speak up.


Bring a bucket, Taurus, because you hit the JACKPOT this month. The overwhelming sense of security you’re feeling this month comes from all the due diligence you’ve been putting in. You know how to invest in yourself and take care of your needs, especially if a nap is involved. Naturally, this kind of self-care leads to more energy and more oomph to dominate at whatever you’re doing. Relish in the luxury of being the one in charge of your life. Invest some of that money into something that will grow and generate more wealth. Don’t let it trick you into only focusing on your finances. Abundance abounds in all areas of your life. Summer is a season of abundance. Stock up at the farmers market, soak up some sunshine and spend the longer days outdoors hiking, biking, kayaking, walking, or camping! Do whatever helps you feel grounded and strong.


That twinergy is double trouble this month! You’re twice as nice, double the fun and paired up with win after win to celebrate all Gemini season long. June is your time to shine, especially if May felt more like a warm up lap for you. You’re going to blow everyone out of the water with all your gusto and go-get ‘em glory right now. The achievements you accomplish and the progress you make will be the envy of those around you still stuck in neutral. They’re gonna want to know what your secret is, so be prepared to spill it. This card could be a solid answer. Tell them you have 6 magic wands helping you behind the scenes! Before the month ends, take one last victory lap to show off your shiny rewards. It’s ok. You earned it!


This month you’re in for a lesson or two about something you’ll need to work on in the near future. These lessons are there to prepare you for changes that will be challenging but well worth the effort. Be open to new experience and guidance from someone who has already been there and done that. They might be the key to unlocking the right doors when opportunity knocks. Practice honing your skills or trying some new ones. I know this sounds boring right before your solar return, but you can thank me later when you’re soaking up the benefits of being ready at the right time when everything falls into place very soon, Cancer.


People say they’ll pay a penny for your thoughts, but you still insist on putting your two cents in whether anyone asks for it or not. Save yourself the trouble and just sit back and listen throughout Mercury RX. This month, the card for you suggests an imbalance of energy. Something isn’t sitting right. Instead of rushing in and scrambling around trying to fix everything, how about resting and reevaluating everything. It might be something so simple you would’ve completely steamrolled it if you went in guns blazin’ like you normally do. There’s a lot going on in the world, and you’re having a hard time making it all make sense. You’re questioning everything. That is awesome. It’s good to figure things out without corrupted input and opinions from everyone else sometimes. You know what’s best for you. Take the road less traveled by this month. It’s sure to make all the different, Leo. Especially if it’s a long, scenic backroad.


You’re in a charitable mood this month, Virgo. Sharing the wealth and giving more than you receive has a way of winning folks over. This month you are in demand with your generosity leading the way from one fruitful conversation to another. The more you give, the more you seem to attract. Make sure you’re staying on track and being intentional with your gracious actions. Planting the right seeds in the right place at the right time will certainly produce even more abundance. You love a solid plan. Be careful not to overwater or use too much fertilizer. You’re familiar with the outcome whenever there’s too much of a good thing happening. Stay open to receiving but detach from the results once you’ve done your share of the work. Some things just need space and time to grow and evolve so you can enjoy the beautiful benefits in full bloom later on.


The winds of Gemini season and the special kind of magic Mercury Retrograde is whipping up for you is sure to bring with it many new ideas and impressive downloads. Keep your mind open and clear with some meditation and simple lists to keep the noise down in your cranium. Might as well keep that notebook handy because things are going to get kind of intense for you this month. It’s exciting! It’s all good, and your not short of your supply of enthusiasm either. Be prepared and brace yourself in case those winds of change start blowing you in a new direction. Mercury is also in control of traveling and transportation. I’m getting a sense you might have the opportunity to travel or even move for work or a new job. Either way, the Ace of Wands will guide the way. Point it in the direction you want to go and say the magic words! Get ready to be blown away.


That money feels like it’s burning a hole in your pocket right now, Scorpio, but hold on to it a little longer. Patience always pays off when you’re invested in something important. Let time teach you something valuable about betting on the long game. Like Tom Petty says, waiting is the hardest part. Fill your time with something rewarding and fulfilling until your ship comes in. Collect what you can harvest now and see how much room you have to plant more seeds that will feed you again later. Enjoy the sound of the jingling in your pocket. It’s not always easy to keep your purse strings tight. It’s more of an accomplishment to have something saved up for a rainy day than it is to surround yourself with stuff you’ll be sick of as soon as you finish paying the bill. Stay laser focused on long term goals this month. Keep chiseling away at that masterpiece.


It’s a special time for you this month, Sag. You’re focused on the nearest finish line, and you’re determined to cross it no matter what gets in the way. You’ll be accomplishing tasks left and right that will make it easier to keep achieving your goals and reaching those milestones, one right after the other. Once you finally get to the end, it’ll be time for a new beginning. Are you prepared to be on the other side of things again? It’s never too later to try something new or make a fresh start. You’re adaptable and resilient. Don’t get discouraged if you felt like you had it all figured out. There’s always more to learn and you love to learn, so yay for you! Use this Mercury RX time to clean up the old messes to make room for some big new ones. It’ll help to organize all your supplies so you can find them fast when you need them next time. There might seem like you’re discovering a lot of familiar findings on this new mission. It won’t look the same because you’re not going the same way you came on the way here. Don’t worry. You’re going to come out on top!


There’s something a little different about your Capricorn. What have you been doing behind the scenes? Whatever it is, it looks good on you! You are shining bright this month with a gorgeous glow. No, it’s not just the warm weather. You really have this sparkly, charisma. People are enchanted by everything you say. Make sure to take advantage of this rare force within you to delegate some tasks and get shit done for you for once. Being a leader is also about utilizing the vast resources you’ve acquired to steer the ship without having to row the entire boat by yourself too. Put people to work. They like being helpful and feeling useful too. Be careful not to sound too forceful once you start getting into the power of leading instead of carrying everyone. You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.


This Mercury Retrograde is a big one for your right now. You’re feeling the whirlwind, and you’re not into it. Step off the spinning carnival ride that is your life, Aquarius, and buckle down and turn inward for a beat. Everyone has a time to run and a time to rest, and right now, you’ll benefit from sitting out for a breather. You’ve been busy experimenting and checking out all kinds of new stuff. It’s time to sit in solitude and soak it all in for a while. Let it marinate. Let it tenderize your soul and heal your wounds. Turn down those invites and stay in with your journal and some silence or soothing music. Sometimes you have to ring out the sponge so it can absorb more. This is one of those times. Let everything sink in and trust the process. You’re not missing out on anything you can’t recreate later when your time comes to go frolic and have fun!


Your cup runneth over this month, Pisces. Summer love, fulfilling career moves, satisfying meals and exciting vacations are in the works right now. Stay hydrated and review your résumé. Wash the champagne flutes and pick up something bubbly so you’re ready to celebrate at a moments notice. You can write a thoughtful speech if you want, but make sure it reads more like a thank you note than a list of your achievements. You deserve a nice reward for all your hard work and dedication. Hang in there a little longer. It’s on the way. The only thing you might want to keep in mind is the likelihood you’ll be celebrating alone. This could be a fresh start or new beginning. Sometimes others have a hard time getting behind something until it has a proven track record. Then they all want to get on board. Remember who claps when you win.

MAY Tarotscopes 2021


May Tarotscopes ~ 2021

The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

You’ve been feeling the grounding power of Taurus season, or you’ve been carrying the weight trying to defy gravity. Boundaries, deadlines and seasonal allergies hit harder when you’re not getting enough sleep, enough sunlight or enough sexy time. Think of it like stress management 101.

Once Gemini vibes kick in, you’ll be glad you got some rest so you can try to keep up with the busy bees and the social butterflies trying to fill up your planner with pending play dates and parties. Just because you got your vaccine doesn’t mean anyone has to know. You can still stay home and be social with your furry familiars or your favorite Netflix original.

This month, you’ll start feeling the shadow period as Retrograde season continues with Pluto and Mercury slamming on the breaks and back peddling through some choppy brain waves. Tune in to any downloads trying to come through. You have the answers or the means to find them right in front of you. Don’t be afraid to use them.

Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. 


Ok, don’t freak out. As one of the most misunderstood cards in the deck, the Death card doesn’t actually mean death. Quite the opposite actually. This is the Omega card. If you know anything about endings, you also know they’re all about new beginnings. With every loss, you make room for something else—something new—and usually something way better than whatever was there before. Personal growth isn’t always a picnic. It’s usually a shit sandwich, but once you choke that down, everything afterwards tastes delicious. Get the bad taste out of your mouth this month and get ready for all the mud to start birthing lotuses. Most of the good stuff grows from manure anyway. What goes in, must come out. The only way out is through, and that’s usually the REAL ugly part. Get rid of the waste, and get ready to celebrate a big WIN, Aries! You earned it.


It’s Taurus season! Hip-hip-hooray and Happy (re)Birthday! While you’re busy trying to not be busy, you might’ve noticed weird stuff from your past turning up. Whether you’re sorting through your old junk during an epic spring cleaning stint, scrolling through social media, or doing a digital detox to achieve the elusive inbox zero you pine for, you keep having déjà vu. Proceed with caution. Nothing good comes from digging around in the past. You’re not going that way unless you’re intentionally digging yourself an early grave. Even though your future isn’t clear right now, that doesn’t mean falling back into old familiar habits, patterns or partners will be any better than the uncomfortable uncertainty waiting for you tomorrow. You actually already know that’s not what you want. That’s why you left it back behind you in the past! Leave it all behind you, and be brave. Arm yourself with the experience you gained to get to this point. You’re ready to handle anything ahead of you.


Alexia, turn on Kendrick Lamar “Swimming Pools.” Don’t worry, Gemini. It’s almost your turn to pick up the mic later this month. You’re still feeling pretty bummed out about all the socializing you missed out on last summer and throughout the holidays. This year, things might not be back to 100%, but you’re still going to be able to crush cups with your besties. Everyone is getting vaxxed and they’re ready to relax by the pool, at the lake, or in the little inflatable paradise in your backyard. If anyone can turn things around it’s you, Gem. These rain clouds all have silver linings. Don’t let your gloomy moods reign on the sunny days. Go out and get the stink blown off ya! Join an online gardening club, walk around in the lush grass barefoot, or pour five more cups of cheap Barefoot wine and open the windows with your favorite music on. This grounding Taurus energy might be weighing heavy on your light hearted human body, but soon you’ll be back in the spotlight shouting “Cheers!”


You’re feeling pretty dialed in this month, Cancer. There’s an interesting, intriguing vibe filling the space that once felt very uncertain + scary this time last year. You might not be willing to admit it, but you don’t always like hiding out in your shell. You love socializing and spilling the tea with your pals. If you get an invite this month that doesn’t feel like such a good idea, listen to your gut. You’ll be picking up all kinds of subtle messages from people and random situations over the next few weeks. Take advantage of Mercury RX later this month and step away from your phone and your laptop. Get outside more. Try some of these re- words to help clear your conscious and fine tune your third eye. Reflect, redecorate, reorganize, remove, recover, recollect and renew. Catch some outdoor yoga classes, add 5 minutes of meditation to your morning ritual, and maybe reword some of the self-talk that’s been cluttering your thoughts. Go within, or go without!


Like usual, you’re ready to burn rubber and get a jump on things this month. You’re hyped up on Sudafed to dry up those sinuses, but you’re also starting to understand why you get carded for buying that stuff. Maybe it’s the 5th cup of coffee, or the third shot of espresso kicking in, but you’re READY. TO. GO, LEO! Use these Taurus vibes to take on those big ugly frogs you’ve been meaning to eat. Knock out all the stuff on your lingering To-Do list so you’ll be ready to say yes to all the shenanigans waiting for you all summer long. You’re going to want to celebrate your birthday twice as hard this year, so make sure you have plenty of room on your plate to fill up your schedule with backyard BBQ’s, camping, lake days, vacations and last minute road trips with your besties. You’re pumped up after that pep talk, aren’t you? Go get ‘em, Tiger! Err…Lion Qweeeeen!


I know this seems like a total Libra card, but if there was ever a sign that should truly be in charge of a gavel, it’s you, Virgo. You know how to get everyone’s attention and bring the chaos to order. This card is more proof you’re hanging in there, finding balance, and doing the right things at the right time. This is your Karma for all the hard work you’ve put it while you’ve had your head down getting through all the craziness of the last year. You didn’t want to, but you still did it, and that certainly counts for something. Actually, it counts for a LOT! You’ve played more than fair, and life is ready to make sure you get to have your dessert and eat it, too. This is what that Mother’s Day energy is all about. Take a day off to do something just for you! Lay out in the sun, go for a hike and buy yourself a bouquet from the farmers market when you’re picking up your weekly salad toppings. Don’t feel guilty when things are good. You know this isn’t the way things always feel, so just try to enjoy it while it lasts instead of questioning it like you usually prefer to do.


For Air signs, Earth seasons sometimes feel like sculpting mountains. They can be a real struggle, but you also know it’s smooth sailing once you turn the corner, and the winds of Gemini season pick up. Add in Mercury RX most of the month, and you’re ready to dive into a good self-help book and hang out at home while everyone else is out testing their vaccine potency. Turn on Lisa Loeb “Stay” and sing it to yourself in the mirror for self-care. “I missed you,” they said to themself in their hairbrush. Ask yourself some questions. Get into some dark + twisty shadow work and feel some feels. Take a nap in true Taurus style and do some mining in your subconscious. Leave a journal and a dream dictionary beside your bed. After that Scorpio Full Moon, you’re bound to be having some wild ass dreams this month. Don’t be surprised if you get into the thunderstorms and rain days more than usual, Libra. Just don’t forget to wear those adorable rain boots and go splash in some muddy puddles, too!


This is what it feels like when you fill your own cup first. Ace of Cups is sunshine in a bag, or a glass. Maybe in a jar? Like dandelion jelly. If you want to know what the sunshine tastes like, go out and pick some and try to make your own. Unless you treat your yard for weeds or you don’t clean up after the dog. May flowers and Mercury RX set you up for a chill, colorful, yet emo month if you’re ready to relax + enjoy it. We know you’re ready for Cancer season, but you’re enjoying the warmer weather enough to pretend it’s already summer. That just means we’re that much closer to Halloween/Samhain than we were all winter. Spring fever and allergy season might not seem like the sexiest time to get to know someone special, but maybe you’re ready for new love in another way right now. Self love is always awesome. Find satisfying ways to fill your days and don’t forget to lay back on the lush, green grass to watch the clouds dance by when you’re out gathering dandelions. Remember to make a wish on the one’s that came out too early to be jelly.


Anything could happen this month, Sagi. You’ve been pent up all year, and you can’t wait to get the wheels up so you can take off, but you’re still a bit skeptical. Stop fretting about all those old cancelled plans and start making some new ones! I know you’re bored + annoyed I’m telling YOU to travel, but maybe you’ve been ruminating on being stuck here long enough. You’re not a tree, you can leave. *wink* You’re smart enough to navigate things on your own. You can still roam about, socially distanced, safely. Memories can be inviting, but try to pick out some new spots to start frequenting if you’re not ready for anything more than a local road trip. There are plenty of cool places on IG you’ve been wanting to check out lately. Try something new and shake off the spiderwebs. It’s time to take all those cups on your desk to the kitchen, and clean up your office so you can start booking flights. Don’t skip out on a cool excursion or two to look forward to while you’re there. You’ll be outta that funk in no time!


Ok. I know you’ve been feeling the pressure lately. Think of this month like that really terrible feeling right before you find a bathroom when it’s an emergency. Very soon you’ll sit down to relax and relieve yourself. When you finally get a break after an 8 hour shift that turned into 10 months of never not working you deserve an indulgent, do NOTHING vacation. One sword is heavy, but this card insists you carry 9. One sword is also a lot easier to use at one time. You can’t do it all at once, so stop trying to juggle everything, even though we know you CAN. It doesn’t mean you SHOULD. For your safety and the safety of everyone around you. Swords are dangerous and you’re always keen on keeping yours sharp and extra shiny. Be careful if you’re going to insist on doing it all anyways. In video games, the player with 9 swords is well armed to take down their enemies. Ready, Player One?


This month is full of all sorts of deep dives into discovering the world around you, especially its history. Tradition might sound synonymous with boring to you, but there’s still nuances associated with long term plans that get put on repeat. For someone who is all about being open minded, but a little rigid about this principle, you might find it fascinating to challenge yourself to think in new ways about time honored rituals and the expectations this level of ceremony invokes in others. You’ll certainly admire their dedication to their beliefs, even if you don’t see eye to eye or want to integrate this new practice into your eclectic spiritual systems. That’s totally cool, too. The Hierophant simply invites you to look at things in a different way. This should play out particularly well throughout Mercury RX. What an interesting journey for you, Aquarius!


Are you feeling cornered + out numbered, or are you on the other side, holding the sword with your enemy in your sights + your squad by your side? You’re set in your ways this month, Pisces. You don’t have to agree to just step back and let people do things their way. Drawing a line in the sand and setting healthy boundaries will help you show your opponents exactly what they’re getting into so they don’t cross the line without knowing it. Nobody likes learning where your triggers are the hard way. You can be a bit of a piranha with sword-like teeth when it comes to laying down the law with people who get on your bad side. If you’re feeling particularly defeated, try pulling out the white flag and surrendering to some sleep. You’re gonna need to be ready for Cancer season next month.

APRIL Tarotscopes 2021

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April Tarotscopes ~ 2021

Are you enjoying the waning Moon, Spring cleaning vibes happening right now? Setting the vibes for this was very relaxing + therapeutic. I opened the windows to air out my office + lit some incense. My altar candles are burning, and the cards are shuffled. Here we go!

Aries season has really lit a fire under many people’s bums, and you might’ve noticed conversations are a bit short, edgy, even argumentative and probably rather high speed. Like being over-caffeinated, but honestly, who isn’t? As the warmer weather rolls in, you’ll feel the world around you thawing out and coming back to life.

Green and yellow surround us while the fire within burns hot and bright. Use this energy to get outside and work up a sweat doing something active. Turn the fire energy into creative flow and revel in your favorite hobby or a creative venture. Feeling frisky? Yeah, that’s also a side effect of Spring Fever. 😉

Soon, Taurus season will set in with a nap and some fancy snacks. Plan on packing a picnic and watching the clouds once those April showers start to give way to more flowers. Walk around barefoot, paint yourself with mud, plant seeds, forage for plant medicines, smell the air after the rain and enjoy all the grounding vibes you can get after the hardcore high energy of Aries season has mellowed out.

It’s a good way to start a new quarter and kick off Spring, but fire seasons tend to trigger burnout if you haven’t been pacing yourself or making time for a balanced transition using water to keep cool. Let it be easy…

Ok! Now what you’ve been waiting for—scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. If you need help figuring out your signs, feel free to reach out by emailing

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Dang, Aries! Did you change your name to Butter, because you’re on a roll right now. (Don’t mock my dad jokes.) Lately, you’ve been a little extra edgy, standing up for the things you believe in and throwing yourself on the grenades being tossed around like parade candy. Check in with yourself to make sure you draw a line somewhere so you don’t go overboard. Watch your step. Some of the ground you stand up for your beliefs on have landmines underneath. Don’t go self destructing for a cause. You’re smart enough to find a more cunning way to combat your enemies. It’s your season, after all. Show them you are more than capable at beating them at their own game. Every once in a while, it doesn’t hurt to try and examine things from another person’s point of view, or as closely as you can imagine without walking in their shoes. Being passionate about something doesn’t have to mean being loud. Oh, and happy birthday!

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It’s almost Taurus season, and it kinda feels like everyone is coming for you. Don’t worry, that’s just the humidity from Aries burning off the lingering puddles from Pisces season. Your grounding vibes will quickly calm everyone down, and those stimmy checks and tax refunds will leave you feeling yourself soon enough. Watch yourself, and make sure you don’t go lending that money to anyone you know won’t pay you back. These 7 blades might feel like being stabbed in the back by conniving people you thought you could trust. You remember what happened to Caesar. Do your research because the Ides of March are actually a good time. Settle your debts + invest that fun money wisely or you’ll probably regret it sooner than later.

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Oh my, Gemini! You’re on a hot streak this month. You’re aligned for that new job, a big promotion or that incredible dream client you’ve been drooling over is finally ready to commit and say yes to your offer! SCORE!!! You just successfully manifested your fate with a little bit of day dreaming and a lot of effort. Don’t stop just because your wish came true. Keep chasing your ambitions and more good things will come flooding in. It’ll be time to celebrate you before you know it. Won’t it feel even better to know you did all this work before hand so you can enjoy a break without feeling guilty? Beef up your vision board. Get ready to set some serious intentions and keep your eyes on the sky next time you’re out walking the dog at night. Wishing on shooting stars is always in season. Shine bright like a diamond! You’re already a Gem… *wink*

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Well, well, well. If it isn’t Miss I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T rollin’ up like they have secured the bag. The Easter Bunny is green with envy about the nice nest egg you’re protecting this month. Enjoy the financial stability perfectly aligned with Taurus season. You filed your taxes early, so you’re not stressed and now your Future Self is enjoying the benefits. Tell your old self thank you and keep paying it forward. Celebrate with a sensible, but abundant meal with your friends or family. Keep planting seeds so your Future Self can keep enjoying the rewards of your practical decision making skills. Wisdom is learned and a legacy and generational wealth is earned. Keep saving those pennies for a rainy day. Like they say, “April showers bring May flowers.” Make it rain, Cancer!

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Have you been sippin’ on some Love Potion #9, or is this your Spring Fever lewk? Your big heart feels like it might just explode from all the emotional good vibes radiating from your chest this month. You love the fiery, Aries energy and those lavish Taurus vibes really gets your blood pumping. You like to shower people with gifts to show you care, but how about investing in something even more special like a memorable experience or something you can enjoy for years to come like your dream car or a new place to call home? Nothing says I love you like shiny, jingly keys! Doesn’t matter if they’re for an Airbnb, a new ride or a new house, does it? Maybe you should buy a boat (LOLz) That’ll be even more fun when it’s your birthday. No matter how you decide to spend your Stimulus Money or your Spring Break, make the most of it by continuing to be your compassionate, kind, caring self and show your empathy for those who are struggling to find something to smile about right now. You have a way of cheering people up! It’s your love language, and you know you love it, too.

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Be on the look out for an opportunity to swoop in and be the hero. Don’t wait for someone else to jump in. Get in there post haste and show them how resourceful and resilient you are, Virgo. You have a special way of taking shape of the container you find yourself in, and this trait will serve you well this month, especially in those familiar, earthy Taurus vibes. Be bold. Be brave. Do things outside your comfort zone without doubting your intuition. You’ve done the due diligence to prepare for practically anything. Go ahead—save the day!

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Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Cut to the chase. It’s you. That Aries glow suits you and the Taurus vibes will be shining a spotlight on your inner strength and ability to take care of yourself and your loved ones while making it all look easy. How do you do it, Libra? Such poise, such grace! You really are something to behold this month. If you’re feeling like this isn’t really hitting the mark, why don’t you take a page out of the Book of Taurus and take a nap or 2 this month. Some beauty rest never hurts, even if you’ve been getting plenty of Z’s. If Aries season is wearing you out, run a nice, relaxing bath and balance out that energy. Resting Witch Face looks good on you, Boo. *kissy face*

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If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you hand picked this card yourself. You little charmer. You’re always slidin’ into those DMs, creating opportunities to collaborate. I’ll leave that open to your own interpretation. Don’t act coy now. You know you’re the water sign that’s often mistaken for a fire sign because of your fierceness. Use those flirtatious—dare I call them deviant—emotional, communication skills to take care of business. Also, not going to definitively label that one. The ball is in your court, Scorpio. Go big, or go home. There’s no place like home. 😈

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Is that spare change jingling in your pocket burning a hole in there, or are you just enjoying the sound of the high notes before you hear the beat drop as they fall into your piggy bank at home later? Sag, I’m proud of you! You’ve been puttin’ in WERK. You’ve been pinching those pennies, stashing your cash and saving up for a secure future. You might not always be able to keep your purse strings tied tight—especially in a book store or whenever those Spring Break Getaway ads start popping up. Maybe it’s time to delete your cookies, and fine tune your spending and saving accounts. Go ahead and opt-in on that round up to the next dollar saving account they’re offering at the bank. Set aside a chunk in one of those holiday accounts—even if your just use it to buy yourself birthday presents. Regardless, now is the time to stay steadfast with that budget and consider increasing your car + home insurance to make sure your possessions are safe. If you rent, get renters insurance. You never know what might happen in the upstairs neighbor’s bathroom.

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I know you don’t need these Tarotscopes to remind you how determined you are, but this card wanted to make sure you remember who the fuck you are and who the fuck they’re dealing with. You are feeling a bit nimbly, bimbly right now. Whether you’re literally or figuratively scaling mountains right now, you’re diggin’ the vibes, especially once you find your footing in Taurus season. Old reliable earth medicine is your JAM. You’re blazing trails, leaving the trails blazing at work, at home and at the local park. Lace up your running shoes and tell anyone and anything that’s not serving you to kick rocks if they can’t keep up. You’re not one to be tied down once your heart is set on the finish line. You’ll cross it! Pace yourself, stay hydrated and don’t forget to smile for that photo at the end of this race. You’re going to want to remember how good it felt when this one ends.

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Aquarius, the water bearer, certainly knows how to serve up a cup of comfort. This toast is for you…Raise a glass, or 10 this month to the battles you’ve faced and overcome in the last year. Cheers to the milestones, the goals you’ve managed to accomplish and the lives you’ve positively impacted. Here’s to you, and all you do to bring a sense of harmony, peace, love and joy to the world…one crazy conspiracy at a time. Jk! This is not a roast. Let us celebrate you and thank you for having everyone’s back and being down to have a good time regardless. May you never miss a Zoom Happy Hour. May you always stay hydrated so you never have to complain about a headache. And may these cups runneth over with blessings and happy surprises. I hope you enjoy some peaceful, zen-tastic night caps and fresh morning brews all month long. ¡Salud!

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A stitch in time, saves 9. Speaking of savings, Pisces, you’ve got plenty to sock away this month. It’s time to let someone know you don’t need their help anymore as you move into this new phase of your life. You’re sitting at the grown up table, and you’re actually very satisfied about it. Usually you get a little misty and nostalgic about that stuff, but you can still hang out and play with the kiddo’s for dessert. Have fun hiding eggs and creating a magical experience, even if you’re the only one who will be playing finders keepers or eating fancy deviled eggs for a week. Remember not to put all your eggs in one basket, though. You’ll be very satisfied with the diversity of your investments if you spread the love around and make sure there’s a little bit in each basket instead. There’s plenty to go around.

Thank you so much for reading + sharing these on social media. I look forward to creating these, and I have so much fun writing them each month! I had the most beautiful vision of seeing them published in a magazine while I was writing them today. If you know anyone who can make this happen, I’d be eternally grateful for the referral. 😘 If you’d like to make a donation for your Tarotscopes my Venmo is @QUARTZandCOAL.

I’ve recently paused Snail Mail Tarot Readings for the time being so I can focus on some amazing workshops + group coaching opportunities I’ll be offering this year. Join the waitlist below to find out ASAP when Snail Mail Tarot Readings are available again.

MARCH Tarotscopes 2021

MARCH Tarotscopes 2021

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March Tarotscopes ~ 2021

The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

You’ve just survived the first Mercury Retrograde of 2021 so give yourself a pat on the back, brush your shoulders off or snap your mask elastics…or whatever the cool kids are doing these days. You waded into Pisces season, and the first signs of spring are starting to appear. Have you seen any crocuses or daffodils peeking out yet?

By the time this month is over, everything will (hopefully not literally) be on fire, as we strike a match to ignite the beginning of a new Zodiac calendar in Aries on March 21—the day after the official first day of Spring.

Witches will be celebrating Ostara on the Equinox, while anyone who celebrates Easter will have to wait until April 4. Psssst…it’s ok + encouraged to celebrate both. I won’t be offended. In fact, I’d recommend it, as long as you do so in a manner that honors the culture, history and sacredness of it.

Make sure your 6’ social distancing pole is still in good working order and maintain your sacred space a while longer…these Tarotscopes are steamin’ hot and boiling over the top.

[That’s how this Sag sun, Leo Moon handles water seasons. Send help.]

Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook for the month ahead. 

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The vibe is tight. Literally. Like, drink some water and stretch. You’ll be grateful you limbered up once it’s GO TIME later this month, Aries. This card highly recommends laying low, maxin’ and relaxin’ while you rest + recover from that fatal blow Mercury dealt you in February. It seriously slayed you. Don’t be so embarrassed about it, tough guy! We know under the fiery attitude you’re really the consistency of a blob of molten lava. You’ll get the green light to go fast again when the Sun rolls into your sign on the 21st. Let ‘em know it’s called breaking an Aries Sweat, not Spring Fever when you’re in town.

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You’re ready for this cool drink of water after that dry radiator heat left you parched last month. Aquarius is the Water Bearer, but she can be one seriously withholding Boss Witch. That’s ok, Taurus. It’s almost your turn to take it easy…ier than normal. This month the deuces are wild and your spidey sense is tingling. You’re firing off cutting edge, spicy ideas, taking the reins + speaking up on your Zoom meetings, and you’re updating your resume on the regular, just in case you catch a glimpse of something better on your career horizon. It’s not too soon to ask for a promotion. You’ve already proven yourself worthy. Keep showing up with the fire power, swimming like you’re winning gold in the 2020 Olympics that never happened, [too soon?] or you’ll sink like a stone.

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You’re next in line at the water cooler behind Taurus, and you’re thirsty, like always. You won’t be singing,’I can’t get no SATISFACTION.’ this month. Sorry if last month left you a little salty from the sea air scent of Aquarius, but this salt water will taste sweet like Mercury in Gatorade if you’re dehydrated. You’ve accomplished a lot lately. You deserve to celebrate! You’ve been so good, and you haven’t gotten to have any fun. Well, now you can get more Vitamin D and show off some skin as you skip into Spring’s blossoming new beginnings. It’s kinda like that scene, from the movie, Black Swan. Pick your fave. 😉

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This month’s recommended bingeworthy flashback is Friday Night Lights. You’ll be repeating the mantra with them—'“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” If that doesn’t roll off the tongue, try ‘HARD WORK, DEDICATION.’ Fist pump a little. There you go! You don’t need a Knight in shining armor to roll up to save you this time, Boss Witch. You get to be the powerful dragon queen in this Game of Thrones, Outlander spin off. Ok, so maybe turn off the tv, put away the smut novellas and get shit done. You’ll feel focused + poised this month with your Employee of the Month smile smirking underneath your mask. You’ll be feeling extra bubbly when Aries seasons lights a fire under your ass.

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Touché, Leo, Touché. Someone sure is quick this month. You’re feeling more confident with the King’s Sword, strutting your stuff again, ready to ROWR once the last of Pisces season evaporates. Yes, that is fresh start energy you’re smelling! It’s your second favorite time of the year. If you know, you know. Am I right? There’s an extra spring in your step, and you don’t care who knows it. In fact, you won’t be happy until everyone knows it. Be smart, and put your heart in the right place when you’re directing the show. Not everybody can keep up to your sprint-speed marathons.

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We know Virgo likes to be the Baddest Boss Witch of them all, but this month doesn’t have to be any different. Ha! I had you nervous for a minute there, didn’t I? You have a very diplomatic way of doling out orders this month, keeping everything in check and regulating everyone. They secretly love how you keep them in line. With the big planetary energy this month waving you down the runway, you’re ready to take off into blue skies. You might feel like you’re drowning in all the Pisces water works, but you know how to tread lightly and keep your head high above the waves. Leave ‘em screaming, ‘O, Captain, my Captain!’ Go carpe the fucking diem!

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Do you remember those sweet vibes of spring at the end of the school year when you were little? Everything felt easy. Everything is turning green, yellow and pink and you’re ready to have sweet rosy sunshine kissed cheeks again. Go outside and frolic. Play like you did at recess. Get your good school shoes muddy! It’s almost summer. You might even get to rock your new sandals a few times, Libra. I wonder if those white, wood wedge Candie’s still fit? Time for a trip down memory lane and your tub of ghost clothes from classes passed/past([?!?]. Go through your old yearbooks and blame Venus for google searching your old boyfriends. Maybe you’ll even bump into the old janitor at the grocery store. I hope somebody brings a mop!

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Close your eyes, and listen. It’s time to trust yourself, Scorp. There’s no time for second guessing. We know you love a good mystery, but you have more control over the situation than you’re letting on. Follow your intuition and go get some leafy spring greens for that quarantine gut. Take this month with a big teaspoon of local honey to prevent those spring allergies. Things happen for a reason, and sometimes the reason is Aries season. This time of year is something you can always count on, and you’re intrigued by the sound + smell of it. Don’t turn your nose up at anything that might reek of potential just because you’re not familiar with it. Uncertainty is the wind beneath your wings, but now it’s time for a graceful landing on the rough waters of Pisces season like you usually pull off.

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Crush a cup with your beloved and get ready to warm yourself on the cozy coals of Aries season when the sun shows up and the heat in your relationship turns all the way on. It’s ok if you’re blushing because you caught your own reflection in the top of your glass. Self-love is the best love, and there’s no supply shortage right now. You value your relationships, even if you are known for traveling light. You won’t need anyone to carry you this month, Sag. This is your version of Love Month. February 14th was the warm up for this March Madness. Wash your sheets and hang them outside to dry. We know you love the scent of fresh linen and spring flowers, just as much as you love getting a good night’s sleep after a busy day. If they get drenched with spring showers instead, recreate a rom-com movie scene in the backyard.

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Queue up the Bryan Adams, Cuts Like a Knife, on Spotify, Cap. This one is going to bleed like a muthertrucker. [Not a typo.] Use the Dark Moon later this month the cut cords and burn those bridges to light your way through the lonely nights. Beware the Ides of March. It’s a new year, indeed, and you’re ready for all kinds of newness. Spring is a good time to make a clean break and a fresh start. Tidy up those flowerbeds and make room for new growth. You planted bulbs last year that are ready to bloom into a beautiful bouquet of blossoms, but first you’ve gotta pull some weeds. Don’t make anyone suffer. Just get in there and get ‘em at the roots so they don’t grow back. As long as you’re doing things for your best self, you’ll never truly be lonely.

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Coming in HOT. Look at you strutting out of Aquarius season with your head held high like a total Boss Witch! You made up your mind, you dotted your I’s, crossed the T’s and made sure every P and Q was in order. You want to declare what you love + how you love it. Everyone will know why you love it, and when you started loving it so much. Let ‘em know who you are and what you stand for and don’t be afraid to reach for the golden ring this month. You’ll grasp it. Band together and vow to stick to your plans for the future. You might not want to be married to your work, but you can marry whatever you love, just make sure it loves you back. You deserve to receive as much value as you give everything else.

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You’re slicing + dicing through these waves like a shark, Pisces. You love it when the water starts to warm up. You’re the first one wearing shorts, or waders to jump those puddles and dodge those downpours. You love it when it’s your turn to plunge into the deep end from the high dive. Be careful trying to show off, or you might end up doing a belly flop. Keep firing off those water gun fast ideas and responding to all of your messages as your social calls flood in again. Mercury might be direct but he’s still playing a few more tricks before he’s back on track. Call your internet provider and ask them to upgrade your data speed. You’re going to need the fastest connection you can get to keep up with these wands wizzing by your head all month like a windmill.

Want something even more personal?

Get a Snail Mail Tarot Card Reading today! Choose 1, 2 or 3 cards, sent to your real mailbox with a magical message. Snag yours by tapping the button below…

FEBRUARY Tarotscopes 2021

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The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

February begins in the midst of Aquarius season. Mercury Retrograde is serving up some challenging opportunities for new growth and Venus just popped into Aquarius to help you comb the depths of your heart to find exactly what you need to feel more love. It’s no coincidence Valentine’s Day occurs this month.

As the Wheel of the Year turns, we celebrate Imbolc on February 2nd, marking the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. That’s right! We’re halfway to spring and the restlessness is starting to set it as we awaken from a wintery slumber still full of Ayurvedic Kapha energy.

If you’ve been feeling the heaviness and dreaming of fresh, green Spring and all of the new growth it ushers in, remember this period is your last chance to restore your mind, body and soul. In order to get the most out of those buzzing Spring fever vibes on their way, you need to be rested and ready to go! Starting the busy season tired is a recipe for burnout.

Let’s see what the cards have to say about it, shall we? Scroll down to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. 


You’ve found yourself stuck these between a rock and a hard place. While you keep giving and giving, it doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere. Don’t fret. Snails have to work really hard to get where they’re going. Each journey begins with a single step. If you had a birds eye view of your progress, you’d see you’ve gone a lot further than you realize. Take a second to look around and make sure you don’t miss the incredible view while you’re here.


Cheeky, cheeky Taurus! You’re feeling the love, or lust more accurately, this month. These winter months might find you hitting the cookie jar or the candy dish pretty hard, or maybe you’re indulging in other ways. The Devil is in the details. Remember every choice adds up, so if you’re going overboard now, you’ll be paying for it later. What are you trying to avoid with this sugar coated crutch? Maybe if you took some time to deal with what’s really bothering you, you wouldn’t feel the need to keep dumping things into the void you feel inside your soul.


Time to face those limiting beliefs and fight yourself out of the corner you’ve pinned yourself into, dearest Gem. It’s like pointing a dagger in the mirror, only to reveal your twin is attempting to get your from the other side. Put the weapons down, especially those hot + heavy (and not in a fun way) words away. Own up to your actions and start walking your own talk. You can argue that you are, but if you’re feeling triggered by these sharp, shiny swords, deep down you know it’s true. Find quick relief in talking it out with someone you trust.


Look at this glow up, Cancer! This month you’re doing big things. You keep showing up, doing your due diligence and improving your skills all month. While you work on yourself, you never know who you might be inspiring, or attracting. If you’re after more money—trying to get a raise, a promotion, a new job, new clients or break your sales records—keep track of your progress. It’ll be easier to prove to others how far you’ve come since they weren’t there to see your journey. Don’t worry. It’ll all pay off soon!


We know this quarantine time has really put a damper on your social life. The 3 of Cups suggests you’ll be celebrating with your besties this month, whether it’s a Zoom Party or sending each other special Valentine’s presents in the mail, you’ll feel the love this month. Check out Clubhouse or schedule a FaceTime date to get some socializing in when you’re feeling lonely. Make a toast to getting through Level 1 of 2021. Looks like Level 2 will be full of friends, family and fun get togethers one way or another. If all else fails, chill with your ego and talk strategies to make the most of the rest of this year.


Virgo, there’s something bothering you, but we can already tell your wheels are turning trying to work it out. Being logical is your strength, so feel confident in your ability to work through this challenge. Every experience is full of lessons. Maybe you’ve been hiding something you keep trying to ignore. If it’s lasted this long, you already know it’s not going to go away on its own. Face the facts and rip off the band-aid so it can heal once and for all.


I know you know how to do this card justice, Libra, and what a lovely card to have for Valentine’s Day and Imbolc! Imbolc actually means “in the belly,” and it’s all about creating Light. These fertility vibes don’t have to represent baby making, but it does encouraging practicing safely, solo or with someone you care about, in whatever ways make you feel good. Releasing blockages in your Sacral chakra can remove creative blockages in your mind, too! Get creative and stimulate your senses with a blindfolded taste test, some unique massage techniques, or read some poetry or just fantasize and daydream. The Empress is invoking a major rebirth in your life. Relax, breathe and let it come to pass.


This month you’ll be getting plenty of satisfaction, new developments and an abundance of pleasantries. Look at these 4 Wands like the tally marks you use to keep score. Deny it if you want, but we know you like to keep score. Use that skill to your advantage and try to send as many Valentine’s in the mail as possible. Exchange compliments with your IG pals and send lots of quick, short thank you emails to button up your conversations that might have been left on hold. You’ll feel very happy with yourself when you can look back and see all the results and enjoy some enlightening outcomes not even you could’ve predicted. *wink*


Dear Sag, we know you’re the freewheeling, fun loving, independent type, but even you can be a total softy sometimes. This month, open yourself up to the people you care about and share something vulnerable. You’re inspired by these squishy, smoochy vibes. Go with it! Make, bake or buy some creative loving messages for your favorite people, especially the platonic partners you want to get to know better for business or pleasure. Get in your feels and really let the emotions flow into your favorite creative outlet. Inspiration is awesome, but the way you use it to make something beautiful is spellbinding.


It’s no longer Capricorn season, and you’re feeling the effects. Take a beat. Ground yourself in the midst of this uncertainty and allow yourself to feel comfortable with the changes that have come about in your life recently. There will be many full circle moments and completed cycles this month. But as one door closes, another one opens, and the wheels on the bus keep going ‘round and ‘round! Don’t pause for too long or life will pass you by, Cap. You can’t control everything, so let fate take its toll and learn to loosen up a bit. The only constant variable is change. That’s something you can always count on!


You have been working hard, burning that Imbolc candle at both ends, Aquarius! It’s time to sloooooow down when all you want to do is go go go. You’re playing with the home field advantage, but you’re getting defeated on your own turf. You know how to self-sabotage with the best of them, but if you’re feeling drained, give in and take the damn nap! You’re not going to miss too much. What could possibly happen without you finding out about it? It won’t be pretty if you try to push through with the same level of intensity you always seem to muster. No one is going to blame you for resting and sleeping in. The Age of Aquarius is exhausting! Get to bed early. You have a revolution you see through once you’re fully recharged!


Love is in the air, but you’ll feel locked in a hyperbaric chamber this month breathing in pure oxygen instead. Sweet Pisces, you don’t have to pick a fight to get the attention you crave this month, but you’re going to anyways. Once you get an idea in your head, it’s happening. Don’t start anything you’re not willing to finish as far as confrontations go. If things have been tense for a while, go ahead and just get it over with already. Communication is uncomfortable something, but staying stuck in a situation that makes you unhappy is worse! Love yourself enough to know what to hold onto and what to let go of for now.

Get your very own personal Snail Mail Tarot Card Reading today! Choose 1, 2 or 3 cards sent to your real mailbox with a magical message from the Universe. Snag yours by tapping the button below…

JANUARY Tarotscopes 2021


January Tarotscopes ~ 2021

The candle is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month to kick off the new year!

January beginnings in the thick of Capricorn season. This planning, goal setting and best self mindset energy all stems from the seagoat strategically plotting their course through the cosmos. Use this time to hash out some projects you can complete regardless of what’s going on out in the world at large. Focus on inner work and doing things that bring you peace, joy and creative inspiration.

As we move forward after the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, things have been a little more interesting to navigate. Aquarius energy plays a major role in 2021, promising another wild ride. It’s not quite like the chaos of 2020, but be prepared for more heavy lifting, systemic breakdowns + breakthroughs and a good bit of starting from scratch.

Around the 20th of the month, the sun enters Aquarius. Aquarius energy is a lot like lightning—sudden and unpredictable. It strikes wherever it wants with little to no concern for how it effects things around it. This is a collective call to action for change, and I’m here for it. Pack light and prepare for another bumpy ride! There’s a lot more work to do, so make sure to toss in your gloves and supportive footwear.

Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs to get a well rounded outlook for the month ahead. 


We know you run hot, but you don’t always have to use that energy in a negative way. The Tower suggests some destruction and conflict. Save the drama for your mama, Aries, and turn this energy towards something constructive. Think of it as a way to tear down the walls you’ve built around your heart keeping others out and making you lonely. Use it to destroy those bad habits that need their own Demo Day. Let the conflict be internally with your self-esteem and your insecurity. Rewrite your narrative. Completely reconstruct your inner dialogue to suit the goals you set for yourself and your personal growth in 2021. Some confrontations are good.


With a swish of your sword, the smoke clears and this bright, shiny beam of guiding light illuminates the next few steps along your path. Step into the new year with confidence! You know what you need and what you want to make things happen. That brain sloshing around in your head is going to be working overtime to crank out valuable solutions to last year’s problems. Use this sword to slash through any overgrown bullshit getting in the way. Cut through the red tape and get straight to the point. Be concise with your witty words and the response will come quickly. You’ve totally got this, Taurus.


What a perfect card to start the year as a, Gemini! We know you know it all, Gem, but right now you’re on top of things. The absolute certainty about your goals matched up with the conviction and dedication of the Judgement card are a dynamic duo just like your twin-like personality. Resolve to stay in your lane and let others do their own thing. You’ll move faster when you stop involving other people in your business right now. You do you, and you’ll be there before you know it. If you’re one who likes to set resolutions, try on ‘work on one thing at a time.’ I know you just grimaced, but believe it’s possible. I think you’ll like the outcome.


Cancer, you’ve pulled the perfect card, too! You might not feel totally ready for change, but change is gonna come regardless. It’s time to leave behind everything that’s been weighing you down. You get a fresh start, not just because you’ve been busy changing up your environment, but emotionally and mentally those outward changes will be transforming your inner world. Keep decluttering and cleaning out the chaotic corners of your world. ‘Out with the old, in with the new’ is your mantra this month. Take some time to take stock after you clear some space. Breathe into the space and let it tell you what it needs. Leave it empty or stick a plant there, but don’t try to fill it back up because it feels bare. You need room to grow. Let it be.


Look at you, Leo! Confident and excited as always, but maybe a little extra this month. We’re here for it. Be open to receiving some big news that’ll totally shake things up—in a good way. I know you’ve been bummed out with all the bad stuff happening in the world, but use this boost to encourage others by being your infectious, upbeat self. Use some of that high energy to cheer people on who are having a hard time. Help out any way you can to lift spirits and make your heart happy. We know you pride yourself on other’s positive opinions of you. Reming them why they love having your in their life.


Virgo, your cup runneth over this month. Cheers to 2021! You’re toasting to more joy and more naps this year. You’re celebrating a feeling of coming home to yourself. Embrace the things you used to feel a bit uncomfortable accepting about yourself. Love the life you live is a bit cliche, but it’s who you are right now. The holidays truly did bring you comfort and joy, and maybe a few too many cookies. Love every bit of yourself even if your cup isn’t the only thing running over. Make some healthy choices and indulge in emotional goodies instead of things for your sweet tooth this month.


Look. At. You. GO, Libra! Damn, you’re gettin’ it this month. This dynamite willpower is unstoppable, helping you conquer your goals and making your to-do list your bitch. No obstacle is too complex for your masterful abilities right now. Keep getting shit done while you have so much momentum behind you. We know it only comes in waves, so ride it as long as you can before you reach dry land. Use discipline to work through the really hard stuff first. This way you can take advantage of the snowball effect to keep things rolling until you get your next boost of energy. Don’t let anything get in your way. Tunnel vision is a very powerful tool right now. Go after exactly what you want. Once you make up your mind, it’s already yours!


Well, well, well. If it isn’t Scorpio yielding a big stick, flashing that sly grin and maybe bending the rules to get their way this month. It’s not a good look to take advantage of people, so make sure they’re on board before giving it more gas. Use that charisma to lead valiantly, not violently. We see that stinger and large pinchers, but you also have a delicate way about you too. Stand tall and be a guiding light instead of gaslighting others. Instead of trying to poke and prod someone to get what you want, why don’t you try doing it yourself, or just ask really nicely for help. You get more flies with honey, Scorp.


Yikes, Sagittarius! You got your turn a few weeks ago. Now it’s time to give everyone some room and step away slowly. You don’t like feeling like a burden, so don’t get defensive if someone asks you to back off. These 9 wands might look a lot like nunchucks whirling towards you. Duck and cover, but don’t run away. As threatening as this card can be, it’s also about being tenacious and that means standing your ground when things get tough. Use this time to observe your surroundings and establish some boundaries instead of trying to interfere with whatever anyone else has going on. And don’t get all bent out of shape if things don’t go your way this month. Be proactive. Play offense, not defense and you’ll get through January unscathed.


Well, Cap, I wish I had better news, but it looks like more of the usual for you. You’re schlepping a heavy load around laden with what feels like more responsibilities than usual. The burden you carry isn’t only yours. Also typical, but don’t make it a habit if you want that to change. You can use this time to map out your new boundaries and carry things to your own self imposed finish line. Set things down there and invite anyone who wants to move forward with you to pick up their bags and keep things moving forward. We know you like to feel important and needed, but we also know it really bugs you when everyone relies too heavily on you and you get resentful. Don’t let it get that far this time. Resolve to delegate your unreasonably long to-do list. Dole out those duties and take full responsibility for what YOU have to do for yourself. Let everyone else fend for themselves for a while. You have your own work to get done.


It’s a beautiful sight when everything comes together, and this month you’ll get the chance to see that happen. You’ve been putting in the time and energy to make things happen. Mix, pour, smooth, let dry, repeat. The foundation is finally being set for some MAJOR growth in your world, Aquarius! That’s Great Conjunction flipped a switch in you and it’s time to activate this untapped potential to really make a go at your dreams, goals, and plans. Things are percolating, and you’re brewing up something fabulous! Don’t try too hard. Be sincere and show up as your truest self. Invite the people you care about to join you on this journey. It takes more than one cornerstone to build something great. Seek solid ground so things don’t sink if you’re just getting started. Remember to be yourself. Get back to your roots if you’ve been feeling doubtful, unsure or lonely.


Would you look at that glorious card. You’ve got the whole world in your hands, Pisces. Get ready from some major changes this month. Take a few steps back and look at this masterpiece in front of you. The world is your oyster and it’s time to use those pearls of wisdom to really enjoy yourself this month. Revel in a sense of completion as 2020 ends. It feels good when things are finished. Close that book and put it on the new shelves you put up to store all your prized possessions on for the tiny and mighty victories you’ll be winning this year. Really study this big picture while it’s in focus. This is a gift that doesn’t come often. Take notes and remember the details in the places you find intricacies clouding the view. You’re about to cover some serious ground in 2021. If you only get one chance to learn the map, you better hope for a photographic memory. You’re going to be so busy, you won’t have a chance to look backwards. It’s ok. You’re not going that way anyways…

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DECEMBER Tarotscopes 2020


The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.

December might be Level 12 of the 2020 Edition of Jumanji, but it’s still Sagittarius season--also known as the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Near the end of the month, we switch gears into grounded Capricorn season to get serious about preparing for 2021.

This month we’ll celebrate the Winter Solstice and Yule in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. From here on out, we slowly start regaining little bits of daylight up north while the darkness grows down south.

Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead. 

BTW...I have a surprise for you. If you like the Snail Mail Tarot Readings, you’re gonna LOVE this!


Prospectus Futura

13 Card snail mail Tarot Readings for 2021 Year Ahead


That’s right! You get 12 cards—one for every month. Plus, get 1 theme card for 2021. 

Only 7 readings available for $111. Click to claim yours today!

This offer expires December 31, so you better hurry!

December Tarotscopes ~ 2020


What are you longing for, Aries? Things might be feeling a bit restless in your world this month while you battle with yourself about something you’ve wanted for some time now. Don’t worry about how much it costs if you budgeted for it, if you can afford it or if you just want it so bad you can taste it! Ask the Universe to make it a smooth transaction and it will be yours. Maybe it’ll even be on sale, you’ll land a sale that provides the funds to get it, or better yet, that special someone you’ve also been yearning for will surprise you with it as a gift this holiday season! Be patient a little longer.


Sharing is caring, and we know how much a Taurus loves shopping! You know it’s been a rough year for everyone, and you’re feeling super generous. Go ahead and support that small business, surprise the mailman with hot chocolate and a gift card to the local coffee shop, and keep feeding those red kettles all your pocket change. Tis’ the season and you’re loving these vibes. Just make sure you’re setting your future self up to feel good about all this spending after the holidays, and the mood passes. No credit cards! Cash is Queen. Use what you have now so your future self won’t have to pay the consequences—literally—later.

Gemini ~ QUEEN of SWORDS

Dearest Gemini. You’ve been making quite a mess with everyone’s emotions lately, what with your Full Moon and all of its grand calamities. Ease up on everyone, will ya? We know you have something to share, but maybe now isn’t the time to share all of your observations about everything going on these days. You can be direct without being a Debbie Downer, a.k.a Karen in this modern world. If something is truly bothering you, confide in someone who is equipped to help you carry the load and break it down so it’s easier to carry. Forcing it on others already carrying a lot isn’t a good look, and you know it.

Cancer ~ THE FOOL

We know you’re already planning your New Year’s Eve Zoom party, and stocking up on booze to celebrate things to come, but maybe chill out a bit. 2021 isn’t the only new beginning you’ll be embarking on. Your motto this month is, “There’s a first time for everything!“ It’s a good look for you, but try to watch what you’re doing a little more carefully. Don’t slip up on those icy new trails you’re blazing. Focus on baking with some new recipes, supporting new Small Businesses when you’re buying gifts and go ahead and freshen up your look with a new ‘do! Maybe wait to make any grand gestures after midnight on the 31st.


You’re not going to like this Leo, but are you familiar with the saying, “all things in moderation.” Did you just change the ending to “including moderation.” EXACTLY. Well, this month, you’re being put to the test! It’s not a shock to hear you roaring about how impractical that is this time of year. But seriously, try to balance out your epic, Best Gift Giver Ever self awarded title with something a little more charitable this year. Giving your time and energy can mean even more to those who don’t want to be spoiled with lavish gifts. Having you home for the holidays will impress them more than anything you can put under the tree.


Listen up you crafty, Virgo, you! What if this year, you spent some of this homebound holiday time whipping up some heartfelt holiday gifts instead of going out to buy gifts on your next Target run? Really get in there and make something detailed and oozing with love, and maybe some chocolate. All work and no play makes Virgo a cranky elf. Have some fun! Use your attention to detail to deck the halls and dole out some holiday cheer. The best way to spread it is singing loud for all to hear. With a mask on, of course!


Find a penny, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck! Libra you are in The Zone! There’s nothing you can’t have right now. You’re speaking your life into existence every time you open your mouth. Those words are your key to happiness, so use them for good, not evil this month. Wish others well and you shall remain healthy and safe all season long. Put those pennies towards those who feel like their luck has run out and you’ll both feel like winners. Take some time to say thank you to the Universe for all the abundance you’ve been enjoying lately. It’s the best way to make sure your luck doesn’t run out any time soon.

Scorpio ~ THE STAR

Still feeling warm and fuzzy from Scorpio season? Yeah, we thought so. How about dreaming a little dream of Peace on Earth, and hopefully your dreams will come true! It’s a good time to let hope shine through if you’re struggling or doing just fine. Having something to look forward to will help. Imagine what 2021 could be like for you and prepare accordingly. Let the Stars guide you. It might feel silly for someone so serious to make wishes, but remember—it could happen to you!

Sagittarius ~ FIVE of PENTACLES

There, there, Sag. It’s been a bit of a bummer being so optimistic surrounded by all this doom and gloom. But it’s your time to shine, remember? Don’t worry. We’re all here on Level 12 with you. You’re not alone in hoping we’ll defeat the Boss and finish the game without unlocking some bogus bonus level. You know things always bounce back after a fall. Try to focus on resting and building your strength back up regardless of what happens next. You’ll be ready for Level 13 or a whole new game if that’s what turns the corner. Take some Vitamin D and daydream about fiery, summer days by the fireplace, crank up the thermostat or gift yourself an electric blanket. Just because you were born in the winter doesn’t mean you have to be so frigid.

Capricorn ~ THE SUN

It’s almost your time to shine, Capricorn! We believe you when you say you could’ve fixed this mess months ago if they had put you in charge, but you’ve been busy. No surprise there! How about this year you slow down a little to enjoy what you’ve been building and celebrate your wins—big and small. We appreciate all you do, so just say thank you when someone surprises you with a compliment, an extra special gift or a year end bonus. You deserve it! You deserve way more, but cheers to your success! Set down the serious face and shout Joy to the World. Surround yourself with things and people that spark joy in your heart. Soak it all up. You’re going back to work after the New Year with the rest of us. Might as well do it well rested and less stressed than normal.

Aquarius ~ SEVEN of CUPS

What’s the matter, Aquarius? You look perplexed. Is something bothering you? Huh. I can’t imagine why. It’s only like the most chaotic clusterfluff of a year ever. I’m sure you’ve got a theory about it and some choice words for the people running this shit show, but try to pick your battles. The person behind the curtain doesn’t get to be the puppet in front of it too. One does not exist without the other, but divided they are nothing. Shatter the illusions and stop waiting for clarity. Diversity breeds innovation. Use all those cups to water the seeds being planted and watch what grows from them. You’ll get your answers soon enough.

Pisces ~ KING of CUPS

Well, well. Aren’t you on your best behavior this month, Pisces! Yes, of course it matters if you’ve been naughty or nice this year, but collectively it all comes out a wash anyway. Be nice even if no one is watching. As hard as it might be to control yourself this month, remember why you’re doing it. Just put up with the annoyances of everyone’s fa-la-la-la-la-ing and keep your eye on the prize—ringing in the new year with grace. You don’t have to go home for the holidays, but it would be nice to make an appearance. Try FaceTime, call or set up a Zoom Happy Hour with your family. That way you can socially distance and get your brownie points for putting family first. Be smart about how you spend you energy, and your money this month. Plan for the worst case scenario so those inconveniences, long lines and traffic won’t be as intolerable.

Get your very own Snail Mail Tarot Card Reading today! Choose 1, 2 or 3 cards sent to your mailbox with a magical message inside. Give your inbox a rest, and enjoy some old school stationary. Rest your eyes and read real handwriting for once. Tap the button below to get your own personal December forecast.

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