October Tarotscopes ~ 2021
The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.
October is a busy month full of Retrograde chaos and relief in equal measure. Libra Season loves to strike a balance, even when it’s unclear how to divide things up in fair portions. This month, take time to work on your schedule and make sure you’re getting plenty of rest to even out the overtime and the heavy lifting you’re doing this harvest season. You’ve had a busy summer—pandemic or not—and it’s time to take a break for your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
As the big planets station direct, you might feel like your vision slowly clears up and you can see things in a new way. Mercury RX was especially challenging for a lot of people with strong aspects to this combination of planetary clusterfuckery. Check your chart and the astrological look ahead below to see if you can navigate through these troubled waters and come out on the other side unscathed.
Speaking of troubled waters, Scorpio Season sends us out the other side of October. Water seasons effect everyone in a myriad of ways. For many, this is one of the easier times to swim in the depths because Spooky Season kinda softens the blow of self-reflection in those tide pools and puddles of shadow work and soul searching.
As the Wheel of the Year turns into a new beginning, take time to remember what you’ve been through since this time last year. What worked? What didn’t? What changed? How have things stayed the same? How do you feel about that, and how do you want to adjust your sails so you can navigate onward?
Let the leaves show you how beautiful change can be, and let the trees show you how important letting go is so you can rest and prepare to begin again—bigger, stronger and wiser. Get the most out of harvest season to set yourself up for a comfortable, cozy, rejuvenating winter.
If this is the turning point for your retail business, and you’re about to crank things up a notch for the holidays, use some of the abundance you’ve generated to hire help, ask for an extra hand and outsource what you can. Set up systems and streamline your processes to avoid as many headaches as possible. Easier said than done, but it’s well worth the effort to invest in a smooth transition year after year once you’ve built something durable, scalable and sustainable for the long road ahead.
Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead.
ARIES ~ Page of Pentacles
Go get ‘em, Aries! This month you’re on the hunt for a new business opportunity. You’re ready for a big change and a lifestyle upgrade. You’re about to start manifesting all the big ambitions you’ve been aspiring to and putting in the blood, sweat and tears to back it up. Crack the books and pass those exams. Take the extra step to up-level your branding, raise your prices, ask for the promotion and more PTO, and go ahead and get the extra insurance for anything you’re buying right now. It is Mercury Retrograde (and like a million other planets RX right now!) So just be careful, cautious, considerate, and cover all of your bases. Ambitious people don’t become successful by being impulsive, making rash decisions, and deviating from the plans they made when they were in the zone. If you think Libra’s airy energy is making you feel the pressure, wait until Scorpio season begins. You’ll feel the simultaneous emotional typhoon and the balancing bliss only a water sign can bring you. What are you expecting Libra to bring into perfect harmony for you first?
You’re finally getting into a flow at work, and things keep falling into place for you wherever your responsibilities are concerned. You lucky dog! Taurus, things have a way of working out for you, and this month is full of potential treasure troves for the taking. Go out there and start digging deeper. We know you secretly love those calluses you’re constantly slathering with lotion. Hard work is satisfying and it helps you sleep even better! Focus on making some big business moves for yourself or your company. The possibilities are endless when you continue to listen to your intuition and do the right thing—not only for you, but for everyone involved. Take a minute to make sure these changes don’t negatively impact people you share responsibilities with or the hard work might turn out to be destroying what you thought you were building.
GEMINI ~ Queen of Pentacles
Have you checked on your account balances recently, Gemini? It seems all this diligent laying in waiting you’ve been perfectly during this down time has been paying off—in compound interest. All the bills are paid easily, in full and in advance when that’s the intention you set. Everything is in tip-top shape, in good working order and ready to be put to good use when it’s put away in it’s special place. Be realistic about your time right now, and start making practical decisions that will continue to pay off for your future self. Invest your time and energy into things that nurture you mind, body and soul. It’s important to keep building up that Mad Money Account, squirreling away those $10 bills for a rainy day and feeding that piggy bank all of your loose change. Every lucky penny you pick up adds up! Like Cardi B says, “If it’s up, then it’s up, then it’s up…I know that’s right!”
CANCER ~ The Hierophant
This time of year always makes you start to feel extra sentimental. Cozy, hygge vibes send you to the couch snuggled up with a blanket, a warm mug of tea, hot cocoa, spiked cider or another pumpkin spice latte to sift through old photos and remember your favorite spooky season traditions. It’s not unusual for you to have exceedingly higher expectations from year to year during the holiday season. You love this time surrounded with friends and family so much, you do everything you can to make it special. Sometimes you do it for the wrong reasons though, Cancer. If people don’t ask for you to go the extra mile, it’s not their fault you feel disappointed when they don’t thank you for your efforts. Do up the special little details and make it as memorable as possible FOR YOU. You know everyone else will enjoy it, or they wouldn’t keep coming back for more each year. Stick to your principles and keep your expectations healthy—meaning shift the focus back to making yourself happy with the outcome. Making yourself the center of attention is basically a tradition anyway, just make sure it’s for the right reasons.
LEO ~ The Hanged Man
It can feel harder than usual to stand out and feel special when everyone is dressing up and doing all the extra fun fall festivities. Don’t let that stop you from putting on a show. Try not to RSVP Yes to the pity parties. If you feel like you’re giving up a lot to make things easier for others, just know it’ll be your turn again soon. Sacrifices teach you about give and take, and they make being on the receiving end that much sweeter. Avoid feelings of resentment by making sure your big lion heart is in the right place when you make these decisions and put forth the effort to serve and help others. Doing something with the kindness and compassionate nature is part of what everyone loves about you. You might feel stuck in a rut, but you’re closer to breaking free and roaming wild than you realize. Hindsight isn’t as valuable before you get it. Handle these stagnant waters with dignity and make sure you’ll still feel proud to hold your head high after they’ve evaporated.
VIRGO ~ Queen of Wands
You’re still feeling yourself in the afterglow of Virgo season and Libra vibes have a way of showing you how to brush off the dust and let loose just enough to feel excited about things on the horizon. The freedom and self confidence infusing your actions this month are paying off big time. When you look good you feel good, and when you feel good you do good. There’s nothing wrong with doing a seasonal change up with your look, rocking your favorite fall outfit or splurging on a new sweater or some slick boots if they’re something you’ll put to good use, too. Maintain your composure and dole out compliments as quickly as you receive them. This time of year has people starting to look inward as they start staying indoors and reflecting on the year that’s almost over. The last quarter is a great time for you to really step it up and show off what you’ve learned and how you can help others. Get creative and find a way to do it while still ensuring your independence isn’t interrupted. Healthy boundaries are beautiful.
LIBRA ~ The World
When it’s your time to shine, you don’t shy away, Libra! Get your eyes checked and use the Mercury RX energy to go through your old magazines and work on a new vision board. The Big Picture is coming into view when you least expect it. Keep your eyes wide open and try not to blink. As Saturn stations direct mid-month, you’ll certainly experience a sense of wholeness as a new download helps you turn the page and dive into a new chapter. You might even be finishing one book and jumping into a new one with even bigger words and bolder pictures. Dig in and keep saying yes to the adventures that stir your senses and make your intuitive spidey sense tingle. Change is all around you, and you won’t be left behind if you’re willing to take a leap of faith and see what you might’ve been missing out on before this shift. Keep saying YES to yourself. You know what you need to make it happen. You’re prepared to do the work and take the steps necessary to rest and reach out for help when you need it. Keep walking the line, Libra. You’re getting there!
SCORPIO ~ Justice
Later this month, Scorpio season begins and you’re prepared to remind everyone it’s your turn to make the important decisions. Libra season reminded you about building a blended lifestyle to balance out the work and play so you can enjoy your day and have it your way. It’s not easy keeping everyone happy and making sure every situation feels fair to all involved, but you certainly do your very best not to step on toes or offend anyone in the process, Scorpio. Not on purpose, anyway! You don’t have to keep it a secret if you feel like things aren’t going smoothly, or if someone needs to know important details to make new decisions that will suit them and the group in the long run. It doesn’t always work out for everyone, and it’s not your fault or your job to decide that for others. You might want to make a little post-it that says, “don’t shot the messenger.'“ If you have to fire a coworker or give somebody a raise or promotion and it doesn’t feel like they deserve it, remember it’s not your job to be the judge of how things work out for them. Abide by the Golden Rule and treat others the way you want to be treated. It all comes out in the wash, and justice will prevail.
SAGITTARIUS ~ 5 of Pentacles
Despite your typical optimism and upbeat attitude about things, you might be feeling especially run down and out of steam this month, Sag. Whether you’re suffering from physical or mental illnesses after a whirlwind summer, or you’re starting to feel the affects of shorter days, less good lighting and fewer opportunities to share your pearls of wisdom, remember this too shall pass. Try to practice self-love and a lot of compassion and tenderness this month. Treat yourself the way you treat your BFF and your beloveds. Tend to your mind, body and soul like you do your favorite houseplant. Rock bottom is an excellent place to build from, and you’re a fan of fresh starts so get some much needed rest and get ready to roll up your sleeves once you bounce back. Remember everything is temporary. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was probably a Sagittarius too, and she’d remind you that a person can stand just about anything for 10 seconds, and then you just start on a new 10 seconds. Keep cranking it out 10 seconds at a time, and you’ll get through this rough patch in no time.
CAPRICORN ~ Knight of Swords
You’re taking on some heavy lifting this month, and it’s important not to get too hasty about it so nobody gets hurt, especially you. Pushing through the pain doesn’t make you brave if it results in an injury you might not be able to bounce back from like normal. There’s plenty of time to get everything checked off the list and take on all the extra tasks you pile on your plate without being asked. Try doing something a little different this time around, and divvy up a couple easy to-do’s no one else could possibly screw up, even if it doesn’t get done exactly how you would do it. Perfection isn’t as important as position when the outcomes are served. If you’re free to get in line early, you’ll get the best seat and the freshest food. Showing up late because you’re toiling away on details no one notices that could certainly wait until later or be hired out means you get the nose bleed seats and a cold meal of scraps and crumbs. You work too hard to settle for less. Step away from the front lines and let someone else step up and fight for a while. You can battle with even more bravery when you’re rested and refreshed. Put on your own oxygen mask first, Cap!
AQUARIUS ~ 7 of Pentacles
Aquarius, you’ve been patiently saving and waiting for a big splurge and it’s almost time to cash in on it. You reap what you sow and you’ve sown so many seeds all season. Harvest time is upon you. Make room for the bounty and stretch your surplus by sharing with others who spent their time growing things you don’t have on hand. Bartering is just another way to create abundance, even if it feels like you’re trading down. Hold on a little longer. It’s exhausting working hard and paying your dues, but you know when it’s an investment in the future the fruit tastes sweeter once you can finally eat it. The effort needed to pick all the ripe, juicy goodness so you can store for winter will be well worth it when you’re resting and enjoying a much needed break very soon. Push through this last leg of the race and finish with a smile on your face. Keep training for these marathons. You have what it takes to run many in your lifetime. Each one has its own rewards, but you already knew that, too. Send out those invitations for your annual Friendsgiving feast early. No one wants to miss the opportunity to hear about all you’ve learned this time around the Sun.
PISCES ~ 3 of Wands
Things are changing and you’re ready for something bigger and better. Reaching this milestone brings with it a cast of characters ready to applaud you and celebrate your achievements. Through a lens of sharp determination and perseverance, you’ve made it through some truly terrible times and made it out alive. On the other side of your journey, you bring with you scars raised like Braille that tell a different version of your story to those who weren’t there to see it. Let the waves of Scorpio season wash away your doubts and fears. Let the salt water help heal any wounds you’ve still been trying to keep clean. Every battle hasn’t ended in a victory, but this one should be chalked up as a win. You’re still alive to tell about it and pass along the stories and the lessons you’ve learned. You take pride in helping others avoid the same scars and stings. Pick your battles going forth. As you move up the ranks, you get to call the shots, ride the horse and look on from a high ground you worked hard to climb up to reach. You’re humble, but don’t be embarrassed about taking a bow. You deserve this toast and the round of applause surrounding you right now. Soak it all in, Pisces. You earned it.