August Tarotscopes ~ 2021
The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.
Leo Season has arrived and it’s time for your inner child to get outside and soak up the sunshine while it’s here. Play in a river, lake or ocean. Lay in the grass and sit by the window as much as possible. Get all the Vitamin D you can handle—while wearing a safe, broad spectrum SPF, of course!
Wear the flashy sunglasses and dress up like every day is a special occasion—because it is! Celebrate like and the abundance all around us this time of year. Visit the farmers market and stock up on sun-ripened produce, get a bouquet of wild flowers and dry some herbs for winter soups, stews and root veggie roasting!
It’s almost time for Virgo to stroll in and stand with authority to remind us it’s also time to start planning and storing things for use at a later date. The Back-to-School vibe is strong, even if you don’t have students in your household. Go ahead and get the pretty planner and start mapping out some goals and big projects.
Virgo Season is one of my favorites, and I’m here for the structure and the stamina powered by the sunshine making it happen before the days start getting noticeably shorter. Use your Tarotscopes to find something to focus on this month. There’s gonna be a lot of big planetary bumper car rides to survive during festival season. Buy the wristband so you can ride all the rides, and always remember to BUCKLE UP! It’s going to be intense.
Scroll down to see what the cards have to say to you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead.
The vibe is extra heavy for you this month, Aries. It might feel like as soon as you got all your shit together, everything started falling apart. Just like building a sand castle at the beach, the tide always comes in. Dig deep to find solid ground to brace for impact. This might not seem like a good strategy when all the sand underneath is sucking you in and slowing you down, but inevitably you’ll reach a point where the ground surrounding you will support what you build above it. Focus on foundational elements when it feels like the suffering is inescapable. Right now, your relationships might be on the rocks or up in the air, and the only way to make it easier is to talk through it. The air from 3 swift swords can either blow out your fire or stoke it to help you burn brighter. Use this wind to change course if you need to navigate in a new direction to avoid losing your way.
Leo Season has a lot of temptation for the faint of heart. You love napping in the sun just as much as those fab felines, but don’t let this wild time of year get you in trouble. Tune in to what might cause a wandering eye or make you feel a little naughty. This goes back to something deeper you’ve been ignoring about why you might consider pursuing some extra attention elsewhere. Use this energy to lurk in the shadows of your soul and come to an understanding about what needs are not being met. Read something like the 5 Love Languages and see how you can be a more nurturing, supportive partner, friend and human in all your relationships. Focus on your strengths. When you’re tapped into the purest part of your spirit and your essence, you’ll attract all the attention you can handle from the right people.
Right now, you’re focused on creating some support systems and hammering out the details to make like easier and more enjoyable for everyone. You’re tired of sitting on the side lines and waiting for things to change. Make changes where you have control. You might be feeling overwhelmed because you feel like everything is out of your control. You know that’s not a permanent mood. This is the right time to get your ducks in a row and spend some quality time with the ones you love and care about in a really present, genuine way. Make memories you can look back on fondly for decades. There are plenty of options. Only you can decide to use this time wisely and make the most out of this opportunity before time is up. Give extra hugs and kisses. Tell people how grateful you are for the things they do for you or just for being a presence in your life. Show people the way you want to be treated and get ready for the world to love you right back. We all need a hug right now.
Summer is zooming by and it feels like as soon as the thought is formed or the words leave your lips you get what you want in record breaking time. Everyone is cutting to the punchline, telling better stories and keeping you entertained. If you have questions, the Universe has answers. You can’t get what you don’t ask for either, so ask away! Make sure to dot your i’s and cross your t’s or some of these lightning fast messages might backfire and create a big mess. Leo Season is filled with heated debates and a lot of leaping to conclusions. Dial it down a notch and watch your tone. Just because those lions are being rowdy, it doesn’t mean you need to pipe in or provoke them. The best thing to do with this energy is to try and keep up with the conversation at hand. Don’t interrupt, or sit their planning your response. Actively listen and engage with thoughtful questions and meaningful, supportive comments. There are worse things than putting your foot in your mouth for speaking too soon. Try not to say anything you’ll regret later.
LEO ~ 6 of WANDS
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEO! This month feels like a victory lap for all the due diligence you’ve been logging. It’s time to make a toast and cheers to yourself. Like my favorite Snoop Dogg speech, it might sound a little like this, “Last but not least, I’d like to thank me. I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all this hard work. I want to thank me for having no days off…” We know, we get it. You are your biggest fan, and you think you’re great. Keep showing up to do the work and you’ll keep deserving the praise that follows. You’ve made a lot of progress and you absolutely have every right to celebrate. Be careful not to cross the line between cocky and confident. Celebrate your big achievements with people who are clapping with you. Make note of anyone in the crowd who might just be there for the free cake. There’s only room for people who are proud of you. Keep an eye out for anyone trying to swoop in and steal your thunder.
Virgo, you’re always prepared to win, and now is your time to shine. This is like a successful pre-game that sets you up for your best performance yet. You’ll be breaking records, setting new personal bests and bringing home the gold. Once you secure the bag, you’ll be making it rain at the after party. You are showing up and shining bright, my friend. The abundance of a summer bounty is on it’s way and you’re ready to squirrel it away for a cozy, rainy day. Taking the wheel and heading in the right direction right now is going to take you far. You’re in the drivers seat. Don’t forget to signal when you’re turning and ease into those big curves, but you’ll still get where you want to go in warp speed. Right now you’re just getting warmed up. When you enter Virgo Season, you’re going to need to stop for gas. Remember to check all the fluid levels and keep the right amount of air in the tires to avoid any extra damaging wear and tear.
This month feels like running a 4x400 with the perfect team. Your hand offs are perfectly executed. Your stride is smooth and swift. You are hydrated, nourished and dressed perfectly for the occasion. You’re here to win and nothing is standing in your way. The joy and satisfaction that comes from a performance like this is the result of playing the long game. You’ve practiced, planned, prepared and prayed in your own special way. Everything leads up to moments like these. This is what that elusive balance everyone strives for feels like and you’re a model citizen for it right now. Say thank you to all the compliments you’re getting. Say you’re welcome instead of no problem when people thank you. Those little pleasantries go a long way when it comes to developing the relationships you need to keep the teamwork strong to make the dreamwork possible. This satisfaction is the stuff people joke about wanting to bottle up and save for later, but you’ve built something sustainable. It’s only going to grow as big as you can handle from here. You’re doing an excellent job!
You’re feeling it. We know how hot it gets when you choose to wear all black during the hottest, sunniest time of year. You have other options, so don’t sweat and suffer when you can simply slip into something more comfortable. You might be feeling a lot of empathy for pinatas. It feels a lot like getting a beat down, and everyone is swinging at you from every direction. You could cut the tension and the humidity with a knife right now, Scorpio. Remember, there are places you can seek refuge if you need to relax in the AC for a while. If you ask someone for a glass of water, don’t assume they’re only going to throw it in your face. Besides, it might feel kinda nice if they did dump it on you. Let things play out, but don’t let anyone treat you like shit. You don’t deserve it. Be open and honest. When we see you rear up, we know it’s a warning you’re about to strike. The least anyone else can do is let you know it’s coming instead of blindsiding you. Lay low and let this wild energy pass. Hints that fall is on the way have been popping up all over the place. You know you’ve almost made it to your favorite time of year. Go ahead, start decorating for Samhain/Halloween/Spooky Season. Planting pumpkins in the summer is a good way to ensure you get to enjoy an extra magical fall.
Dang, Sag. You’ve been busy! It’s time to surrender to some sleep and super lazy summer days. Find the nearest hammock. Sit in the shade. Drink lemonade or iced tea and savor every light breeze you can catch. You’ve been buzzing through the last few months making it look easy, but it’s starting to slow you down. Things take the time they take, and if you’re the best person for the job, you better believe all that’s left to do will be waiting for you when you get back to work. It’s not going anywhere! You might not want to stop because you love the fiery Leo vibes right now, but the big planets are having their way with us and nobody is immune. Think of it like a benefit analysis. Taking the time to rest and restore your energy now is going to set you up for a booming Virgo Season. Those brainy back-to-school vibes get all up in your philosophical brain and you can’t wait to start cracking books and getting straight A’s. You can remember more when you’re well-rested and you won’t have to worry about missing a day because you got sick if you keep your immune system strong. Take a break. You earned it!
Darling, Capricorn. The glow up has only just begun! You’re busy as a bee covered head to toe in pollen and you’re ready to go picking the ripest, juiciest fruits in the fields, or at least the freshest offerings at the farmers market. The lush abundance of summer, the radiant sun of Leo Season, and the supple, sweetness of it all are a total MOOD for you right now. You’re having some wild feelings watching everything in full bloom. You might even be open to some new, big opportunities that are coming your way. Unintentional pun may or may not be intended—gross but alas, I am but a channel. If you’re open to making some long term decisions, now is a good time to plant the seed(s) in the right place to start growing something that will inevitably take a lot of time and energy along the way. Whether it’s a career move, a new home, an unexpected investment, a new pet, a new family member, or a new relationship in any kind of way, you’re ready to conceive it. Use this energy as a creative outlet until the right opportunity presents itself to bear new fruits of your labor. You are brimming with potential right now!
Ok, Aquarius. I know July with the Tower was especially rough for you. The 4 of Cups doesn’t want to let you forget it, but ruminating about it won’t help you get out of this moody mood. Instead of taking four shots to try and soothe your sorrow, why not chug 4 glasses of water and get a little boost from hydrating. You might even feel up for something fun! It’s not like you to RSVP No. You know those Leos throw excellent parties, and it’s not a competition. Yours are better for whatever it’s worth. The point is, if you’re sitting there starring into your own reflection for too long, you’re going to start imagining things that aren’t there. This month feels like insomnia a week deep at 3 am and the chair in the corner is almost definitely hiding a terrifying monster. Turn the lights on. Open the blinds. Take a shower. Get an iced coffee with a friend and stop saying you’re bored. Start saying you’re curious about what you will happen upon next on this unpredictable adventure. If you can’t stop ruminating, try a gratitude list. Ruminate on the good stuff. Feel your feels, but don’t let it swallow you whole.
Imagine yourself sitting in a hot tub on a cool evening somewhere peaceful and beautiful, surrounded by your favorite people in the world. You had the best meal, your cup is full of your favorite beverage, and you’re feeling like the world is your oyster. Everything you say and do seems to put people under your spell. It feels like the red carpet was rolled out for you, and you’re receiving the royal treatment everywhere you turn. Watch those front parking spots open up for you. Witness people holding doors open and smiling at you like a celebrity. Experience what it’s like to be the star of the show, and you don’t even have to show up! That’s what happens when you see an opportunity and you grab it with both hands. August is your time to carpe that fuckin’ diem and live every moment like it’s your last. Leave it all on the field. If someone offers you something nice, just say thank you and accept the kind gesture. Sometimes people want to do something nice because it makes them feel good too. Flirt back if you want, just be careful you don’t get tricked into a situation you can’t charm your way out of, Pisces!