JUNE Tarotscopes 2021

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June Tarotscopes ~ 2021

June is full of retrograde and eclipse energy. It’s a good idea to chill on the spells right now, but it’s a good time to finish up any remaining spring cleaning and reorganizing before the busyness of summer kicks in. The Summer Solstice is coming up soon, and those longer days are starting to feel long sometimes. Make the most of it while it continues to grow with the lush vegetation coming in all around us.

As we float through the beginning of June with the sun in Gemini, it feels like there’s a lot of chatter going on. Be careful with your words. With Mercury Retrograde it can be easy for people to misunderstand or miss the connections and get your message late. You might be on the receiving end of a delayed warning too so if something is trying to slow you down, let it. Embrace the pauses and false starts.

If your computer or phone start acting up, take this as a sign to set it down and do something in real life with your physical body until you feel the energy shift. Once the sun dives into Cancer season towards the end of the month, be ready for a flood of emotions. This is elevated even more when Mercury stations direct on June 22 after Litha/Midsummer and Father’s Day. Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto are also in retrograde this month raising questions and bringing up a lot of internal upheaval. It’s all good as long as you address it instead of trying to avoid or ignore it.

Embrace the chaos and have some fun this month! June is going to be a great month for many people. Read your Tarotscopes below to help you put together a game plan for the next 30 days. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook of this June. 


You’re ready to talk the talk this month, Aries. Those Gemini vibes are coming in strong and your already sharp, quick tongue and slice and dice through any conversation. You’re a word slayer with more witty comebacks than normal. It’s been a while since you’ve had many opportunities to be chatty in social settings, so make sure you keep your strong opinions in check to keep things casual in light of Mercury Retrograde and any confusion that might come up. This could also create a lot of Insert Foot in Mouth moments. Use this energy to network, invite new clients to lunch or dinner dates, have those hard conversations with loved ones and strike up a chat with a stranger. We all miss having more REAL conversations. This card is the sign you’ve been looking for if you’ve been afraid to speak up.


Bring a bucket, Taurus, because you hit the JACKPOT this month. The overwhelming sense of security you’re feeling this month comes from all the due diligence you’ve been putting in. You know how to invest in yourself and take care of your needs, especially if a nap is involved. Naturally, this kind of self-care leads to more energy and more oomph to dominate at whatever you’re doing. Relish in the luxury of being the one in charge of your life. Invest some of that money into something that will grow and generate more wealth. Don’t let it trick you into only focusing on your finances. Abundance abounds in all areas of your life. Summer is a season of abundance. Stock up at the farmers market, soak up some sunshine and spend the longer days outdoors hiking, biking, kayaking, walking, or camping! Do whatever helps you feel grounded and strong.


That twinergy is double trouble this month! You’re twice as nice, double the fun and paired up with win after win to celebrate all Gemini season long. June is your time to shine, especially if May felt more like a warm up lap for you. You’re going to blow everyone out of the water with all your gusto and go-get ‘em glory right now. The achievements you accomplish and the progress you make will be the envy of those around you still stuck in neutral. They’re gonna want to know what your secret is, so be prepared to spill it. This card could be a solid answer. Tell them you have 6 magic wands helping you behind the scenes! Before the month ends, take one last victory lap to show off your shiny rewards. It’s ok. You earned it!


This month you’re in for a lesson or two about something you’ll need to work on in the near future. These lessons are there to prepare you for changes that will be challenging but well worth the effort. Be open to new experience and guidance from someone who has already been there and done that. They might be the key to unlocking the right doors when opportunity knocks. Practice honing your skills or trying some new ones. I know this sounds boring right before your solar return, but you can thank me later when you’re soaking up the benefits of being ready at the right time when everything falls into place very soon, Cancer.


People say they’ll pay a penny for your thoughts, but you still insist on putting your two cents in whether anyone asks for it or not. Save yourself the trouble and just sit back and listen throughout Mercury RX. This month, the card for you suggests an imbalance of energy. Something isn’t sitting right. Instead of rushing in and scrambling around trying to fix everything, how about resting and reevaluating everything. It might be something so simple you would’ve completely steamrolled it if you went in guns blazin’ like you normally do. There’s a lot going on in the world, and you’re having a hard time making it all make sense. You’re questioning everything. That is awesome. It’s good to figure things out without corrupted input and opinions from everyone else sometimes. You know what’s best for you. Take the road less traveled by this month. It’s sure to make all the different, Leo. Especially if it’s a long, scenic backroad.


You’re in a charitable mood this month, Virgo. Sharing the wealth and giving more than you receive has a way of winning folks over. This month you are in demand with your generosity leading the way from one fruitful conversation to another. The more you give, the more you seem to attract. Make sure you’re staying on track and being intentional with your gracious actions. Planting the right seeds in the right place at the right time will certainly produce even more abundance. You love a solid plan. Be careful not to overwater or use too much fertilizer. You’re familiar with the outcome whenever there’s too much of a good thing happening. Stay open to receiving but detach from the results once you’ve done your share of the work. Some things just need space and time to grow and evolve so you can enjoy the beautiful benefits in full bloom later on.


The winds of Gemini season and the special kind of magic Mercury Retrograde is whipping up for you is sure to bring with it many new ideas and impressive downloads. Keep your mind open and clear with some meditation and simple lists to keep the noise down in your cranium. Might as well keep that notebook handy because things are going to get kind of intense for you this month. It’s exciting! It’s all good, and your not short of your supply of enthusiasm either. Be prepared and brace yourself in case those winds of change start blowing you in a new direction. Mercury is also in control of traveling and transportation. I’m getting a sense you might have the opportunity to travel or even move for work or a new job. Either way, the Ace of Wands will guide the way. Point it in the direction you want to go and say the magic words! Get ready to be blown away.


That money feels like it’s burning a hole in your pocket right now, Scorpio, but hold on to it a little longer. Patience always pays off when you’re invested in something important. Let time teach you something valuable about betting on the long game. Like Tom Petty says, waiting is the hardest part. Fill your time with something rewarding and fulfilling until your ship comes in. Collect what you can harvest now and see how much room you have to plant more seeds that will feed you again later. Enjoy the sound of the jingling in your pocket. It’s not always easy to keep your purse strings tight. It’s more of an accomplishment to have something saved up for a rainy day than it is to surround yourself with stuff you’ll be sick of as soon as you finish paying the bill. Stay laser focused on long term goals this month. Keep chiseling away at that masterpiece.


It’s a special time for you this month, Sag. You’re focused on the nearest finish line, and you’re determined to cross it no matter what gets in the way. You’ll be accomplishing tasks left and right that will make it easier to keep achieving your goals and reaching those milestones, one right after the other. Once you finally get to the end, it’ll be time for a new beginning. Are you prepared to be on the other side of things again? It’s never too later to try something new or make a fresh start. You’re adaptable and resilient. Don’t get discouraged if you felt like you had it all figured out. There’s always more to learn and you love to learn, so yay for you! Use this Mercury RX time to clean up the old messes to make room for some big new ones. It’ll help to organize all your supplies so you can find them fast when you need them next time. There might seem like you’re discovering a lot of familiar findings on this new mission. It won’t look the same because you’re not going the same way you came on the way here. Don’t worry. You’re going to come out on top!


There’s something a little different about your Capricorn. What have you been doing behind the scenes? Whatever it is, it looks good on you! You are shining bright this month with a gorgeous glow. No, it’s not just the warm weather. You really have this sparkly, charisma. People are enchanted by everything you say. Make sure to take advantage of this rare force within you to delegate some tasks and get shit done for you for once. Being a leader is also about utilizing the vast resources you’ve acquired to steer the ship without having to row the entire boat by yourself too. Put people to work. They like being helpful and feeling useful too. Be careful not to sound too forceful once you start getting into the power of leading instead of carrying everyone. You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.


This Mercury Retrograde is a big one for your right now. You’re feeling the whirlwind, and you’re not into it. Step off the spinning carnival ride that is your life, Aquarius, and buckle down and turn inward for a beat. Everyone has a time to run and a time to rest, and right now, you’ll benefit from sitting out for a breather. You’ve been busy experimenting and checking out all kinds of new stuff. It’s time to sit in solitude and soak it all in for a while. Let it marinate. Let it tenderize your soul and heal your wounds. Turn down those invites and stay in with your journal and some silence or soothing music. Sometimes you have to ring out the sponge so it can absorb more. This is one of those times. Let everything sink in and trust the process. You’re not missing out on anything you can’t recreate later when your time comes to go frolic and have fun!


Your cup runneth over this month, Pisces. Summer love, fulfilling career moves, satisfying meals and exciting vacations are in the works right now. Stay hydrated and review your résumé. Wash the champagne flutes and pick up something bubbly so you’re ready to celebrate at a moments notice. You can write a thoughtful speech if you want, but make sure it reads more like a thank you note than a list of your achievements. You deserve a nice reward for all your hard work and dedication. Hang in there a little longer. It’s on the way. The only thing you might want to keep in mind is the likelihood you’ll be celebrating alone. This could be a fresh start or new beginning. Sometimes others have a hard time getting behind something until it has a proven track record. Then they all want to get on board. Remember who claps when you win.