The incense is lit, sacred space cleansed, hands washed and ready to dive into this deck to bring you a magical message. It’s time to see what the Universe has in store for you this month.
So long sweet summer. It’s Virgo Season with 4 planets in Retrograde with Mercury preparing to throw a wrench in things at the end of the month to make it 5. Back up your hard drive, save things in the cloud, print your pictures from your phone and write down your contacts in a tiny phone book just to be safe.
The back-to-school vibes of Virgo and the last 3 weeks of summer are always bittersweet and thick with all the reminiscing and fresh starts happening left and right. Every time you turn around something new is coming at you, and you’re feeling worn out from all the hot weather and long days. The time to hunker down in sweatpants and rest is fast approaching.
Fall in love with Libra season and watch the leaves put on a magical show for you. Bake some pumpkin bread, change your coffee order to an iced PSL on the last few sunny days you’ll get this season and remember how much you loved a hot PSL with extra cinnamon and pumpkin foam when it’s rainy, crisp and fall-ish outside.
Sharpen your pencils, get a new planner, and get ready for the holidays to sneak up on you FAST. This month is a pivotal transition period as you reap the harvest of all your hard work under the hot sun and transform it into a reserve for fall and winter. Prepare to share the bounty you can’t store or save during this busy season. It’s better to give away your extra instead of letting it go to waste. Save some seeds for next year, dry fresh herbs and say a little spell under the Virgo New Moon on September 6 to start planning your goals for next year. This is when I like to think about picking my new Word of the Year for next year.
After the double Aquarius Full Moon’s you just experienced, big changes are on the horizon. Think about how you want to spend the last quarter of 2021. My advice—rest, relax, reflect and restore, then get ready to get spooky after the last spoke of the Wheel of the Year passes on the Autumnal Equinox (Sept. 22), or Mabon from September 21 through the 29 if you’re feeling extra witchy. Make the most of Mercury Retrograde by taking this advice. Wash, rinse, repeat as needed!
Scroll down to see what the cards have in store for you. Remember to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for a well rounded outlook on the month ahead.
ARIES ~ 4 of Pentacles
You love the Back to School vibes of Virgo season, Aries, and this year is no different. You’re ready to scorch the earth and leave no stone unturned as you prepare to finish out the rest of the year strong. Tend to your finances and try to be more savvy and less spendy this month. Take some time to feel some nostalgia and gratitude for the things you already have in your home and in your life. Maybe take this opportunity to clean up and rearrange things in a way that stirs up joy in unexpected ways. Take care of your little corner of the world and get ready to buckle down for the holidays creeping around the corner. You’ll be glad you have your ducks in a row if anything unexpected happens in the near future. Save for rainy, snowy and sunny days. This is a great time to make a detailed budget, cut unnecessary expenses, and move funds around to get closer to the goals that matter long term.
TAURUS ~ Strength
Taurus is coming in clutch this month. There’s no mountain you can’t climb, no challenge you won’t accept and no denying your stick-to-it-iveness in September. You’ve been training and preparing for this moment whether you realized it or not, so rest assured you can and you will do this! You’ve got it in the bag. It feels kind of unreal and super easy to witness that magical moment when everything comes together to create something magical. Sit back and soak it up as this series of successes and small wins stack up. You don’t need to say yes to every opportunity that comes along, and those naps and luxurious long weekends have been paying off because you’re rested and ready to conquer the world right now. Stay in your lane and you’ll go far.
GEMINI ~ 7 of Cups
These cups are lined up in what appears to be a fork in the road. You have decisions to make. Even though whichever path you choose will lead you to the same destination, each trail has its own set of trials, tribulations and triumphs. Choose wisely. Listen to your intuition and do a gut check every time you start to feel lost and uncertain about your next step. You know it’s ok to turn around and go back the other way if you need to, but you don’t like going backwards. Sometimes the reflection in the puddles can create illusions that make one way look messier than the other, but you’re always wearing the right shoes to go the distance—both pairs, Gemini twins! Let your emotions ride shot gun. When you’ve had 7 cups, deeper meaning and intuitive insights are your best designated driver.
CANCER ~ the Hermit
It’s hunker down time for you, Cancer. You’re always a little hesitant when you end up on dry land. Stay on the ocean floor, deep in your feels instead of trying to hang out in the shallow waters right now. There’s a lot on your mind, and you don’t feel like hearing anyone else’s opinions about how you live your life. Learning things about yourself will prove very valuable and help you venture into new territory you never imagined you’d experience. The world is more than your oyster. Spend some time tending to your shell and all the inner work you need to remain strong and steadfast through the rough and tumble rip tides and rough waves. Rest and write instead of RSVPing yes to everything right now. You can get all the socializing you want soon. Sit this one out and learn something new about yourself this September.
LEO ~ 8 of Cups
After the wild party that was Leo season, everyone left their solo cups all over your lawn. It’s time to clean up and get back to the things you’ve been neglecting since you threw caution to the wind to enjoy some fun in the sun. You got to have it your way, and now it’s time to get grounded and figure out your next big move. It’s a little disorienting going back to work after vacation. That first day back is always kind of a waste of time, but you’ll get your bearings and be back in action in no time. This lull will allow you to find something extra awesome to work hard on so you can justify your next opportunity to play hard. You’re good at finding a way to do both, Leo. It’s ok to be the new kid in class. Let this Virgo season teach you something about fresh starts and finding new ways to solve old problems.
VIRGO ~ 3 of Cups
Happy birthday, Virgo! We hope this solar return is something special for you. The 3 of Cups are here to propose a toast in your honor, and surround you with your ride or die crew. You’ll know who is with you and who is there for the free food. Keep an eye out to see who is cheering you on and who is soaking it all in so they can go spill the tea at their weekly brunch and bitch with their other friends. You value honesty and loyalty, but actions speak louder than words, and you’ve heard it all. You know who you want to invite to the after party with you and who you want to send home without a plate of leftovers. Be as intentional and meticulous with your guest list and your seating arrangements as you are with everything else. You deserve to be celebrated! Enjoy the party, and take the day off for your birthday so you can rest. Things are about to shift in a big way for you.
LIBRA ~ 2 of Swords
The scales keep tipping as you duel between the Good Libra and the Bad Libra in you. Looking at things in a very analytical, logical way might not be what you’re used to, but it’s the best way to handle everything coming your way right now. Things feel very emotionally heavy as you work things out. You’ll get through it and feel incredible just in time to celebrate your special season very soon! Keep showing up being supportive and making everything you touch sparkle. The little bit of magic you leave where you go really does brighten the room when you’re in the mood to shine. Everyone gets caught under a landslide of emotions sometimes. Brush yourself off, and keep going. There’s plenty you can do with your hands full, but it’s a good idea to be more strategic about your approach and ask for help in the areas you don’t feel confident carrying out yourself. You never know who you might rub elbows with along the way.
SCORPIO ~ 10 of Wands
They say chopping wood keeps you warm twice. This month you’re doing the due diligence necessary to make your future self happy later on. Carrying the heavy load isn’t easy, but you make it look effortless. Maybe it’s the way you work a little at a time, all the time until it’s time for the final, quick blow that seals the deal. Your sting is especially strong right now, so be gentle when it comes to getting help. If you bark orders and bite the hands that feed, you’ll find yourself alone and hungry. Try to be a team player for the time being to make sure things get done efficiently without any hurt feelings. Juggling all these responsibilities is delicate work. You’re the best person for the job, but two hands are better than one, and ten extra hands make quick work of big jobs like stacking all those logs for a warm, cozy winter.
SAGITTARIUS ~ Queen of Cups
Ah, dear, Sagittarius. The Queen of Cups is here to serve up something warm + cozy on those crisp fall days, and they have plenty of iced tea, lemonade and refreshing beverages for the last few dog days of summer. The Queen has arrived with listening ears, an open heart and lots of compassion to help you navigate whatever life throws at you this month. You’ve got a shoulder to cry on, someone to cheer you on and the perfect companion to celebrate all of your wins with through this busy transition. You’re growing and evolving in incredible ways, and the empathy is very overwhelming at times. Learn to love yourself in new ways. Be tender and kind. Take your inner child on some play dates! You need to make sure you’re giving yourself as much support and understanding as you give everyone else. Drink it in this September. Self-love is #1 on your to-do list.
Death comes knocking to let you know every ending is a new beginning. As the leaves begin to transform before your eyes, you’re about to shed your skin and slither into a new world. When things get stale or run their course it’s time to throw it out and move on. You’ve been treading water and feeling dead inside for a while. This is the last nail in the coffin. Put everything to rest that isn’t serving your greater good or playing into your big dreams and long term plans. It’s time to implement a fresh strategy you haven’t tried yet. Remember that terrible boss you used to have when you didn’t have the boundaries to give yourself bathroom breaks or take a day off? You learned from that situation and you’ve grown tremendously since then. You’re ready for some challenges that are more fulfilling and less taxing on your nervous system. You’ve scaled the mountains, Capricorn. You’re closing in on a place where you can enjoy the view and live your best life very, very soon. You just have a few cords to cut and loose ends to tie up before things unravel completely. Watch the perennials drop their seeds and come back next spring if you need guidance. It’ll be that time again before you know it. Plan on being somewhere new by then, or the scenery won’t change.
AQUARIUS ~ 9 of Wands
It’s time to flex on a few people who aren’t pulling their weight. You’re done playing it safe and being diplomatic about everything. When you want something done right, do it yourself or bear the burden of dealing with subpar work. This card feels full of sports analogies. Play defense. Be tenacious. Give it all you’ve got and leave it all on the field. Swing for the fence. Go balls to the wall. Not sure if that one is sexual or sporty, but either way, get sweaty. There’s a ton of Mars energy coming out of this card, and it’s feisty. Do whatever it takes to keep this spicy attitude contained so you don’t accidentally burn any bridges. You can carry a lot, Water Bearer, but just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should. Remember done is better than perfect, and don’t get tripped up on the details. Aim for less micromanaging, more of a team player approach this month, Aquarius.
PISCES ~ The Lovers
Teamwork makes the dream work, Pisces. The Lovers don’t necessarily mean a romantic connection. When it comes to making decisions and taking steps towards your future, it’s a good idea to consider your values and stop focusing on so many unilateral moves this month. Take a vote. Ask others who are directly effected by these decisions to weigh in and help come to an agreement now instead of an argument later. There are very few things happening that only involve you. Decide to be more inclusive, more accommodating and more accepting of other people’s opinions. Take some with a grain of salt, but constructive feedback is helpful. If it’s hurtful, ask yourself what deep rooted values are feeling pulled and triggered by these situations. Remember everyone is a mirror. Things we see, feel and judge about others are often a deep-seated reflection of how you truly feel about yourself but might turn a blind eye. Look at these situations like you would a lover. Be compassionate with yourself and others. You all have a lot to learn from one another. Embrace the rollercoaster of love.
Get your very own personal Snail Mail Tarot Card Reading today! Choose 1, 2 or 3 cards sent to your actual mailbox with a magical message from the Universe and yours truly. Snag yours by DMing me on Instagram @quartzandcoal. Thank you!