GHOULS Sponsorship for Ghouls Night Out $500


GHOULS Sponsorship for Ghouls Night Out $500


GHOULS at the $500 level will have their logo added to the event postcards and posters, receive (1) additional promotional post on Instagram, Facebook and the event page and receive (1) promotional reel showcasing your business and any items you’ll be featuring in Treat bags, selling at the event and/or offering at your location or online for Spooky Season. 

— This option is only available until August 25 and you’ll need to schedule your reel consultation by September 20 to allow for ample time to plan, produce, edit and promote your reel prior to the event. 

— You will be tagged as a collaborator on the reel with access to download and reshare your reel. The reel will be approximately 1 minute long or possibly (2) 30 second reels depending on the content planned by both parties involved. 

— 100 posters and 1000 postcards are being printed, distributed and displayed across the region in small businesses. 

— You may opt for the Reel only option until September 20; however, you will not be included on print materials after August 25. The price is the same.  

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