Nothing Compares to ConvertKit for Your Email Marketing Needs

Starting an email list for my business was one of the scariest steps I’ve taken on this journey to becoming a full-time Boss Witch

It was really easy to sit and write emails every week when I had a 7-to-5 job that only required about 3 hours of work each day. I had tons of time left to work on building + growing my side hustle. I even got paid overtime for it!

Email has been around for a long time, and even though tons of technology has come + gone, email isn’t going anywhere soon. It’s also the fastest, easiest way to get ahold of people all over the world. It’s basically free if you have internet access. 

When I began investing in courses + coaching to help my business expand, every expert basically demanded you have to have an email list if you want to grow your business!!!

Ok, ok! I get it. I’ll try it. First, let’s talk about ESPs, or email service providers. There’s one for every type of business. There’s the new, pretty one—Flodesk. There’s the popular, old school one—Mailchimp. There’s the corporate business one—Constant Contact. And a slew of others trying to get your attention like Drip, ActiveCampaign, Kajabi, Mailer Lite and Mad Mimi just to name a few. Even website hosting companies like Squarespace are offering their own built-in email marketing platforms. 

I’ve done tons of research, and I’ve tested several of them out, but only one felt intuitive and easy to use. ConvertKit was made for bloggers. It started small, and it’s grown + evolved so much in the last few years since I created an account. 

ConvertKit offers easy to customize forms, landing pages and email templates. They make it easy to pre-plan and schedule your newsletters. You can even set up automatic email sequences to save yourself time while you seamlessly build relationships with new subscribers no matter what you’re doing when they join your list!

I used ConvertKit when I created my 30 Day Gratitude Challenge and my 28 Day Self-Love Challenge. I doubled my list both times I offered those email courses! After they were finished, I combined all the emails into a blank Google Doc and realized I had written an entire book in one month—twice!

If it wasn’t for ConvertKit, I never would’ve successfully funded my Heart of Gold Gratitude journal on Kickstarter, which has sold over 250 copies since October 2019. 

I tried to use Mailchimp. It made me feel like a complete moron, and I’m a pretty tech-savvy person. The one thing they have going for them is the fact that they were first. Everyone knows them as the brand leader in basic email marketing for startups + entrepreneurs. In marketing, being first means more than being the best. 

This year, ConvertKit finally launched a free version for people who are just getting started with their list. You can sign up for a free account right here. 

The only problem with the free version is you can't set up automations or my beloved email sequences. You have to upgrade to the paid version for $29/month or $290/year. When you’re starting out, that’s a big investment to make in something new you’re not feeling super confident about using to grow your business. 

That’s why I’m excited to announce my new Email Marketing Bootcamp. I’m hosting this new workshop from June 12-20. This is sort of a hybrid between an online course and a group coaching program. It’s intense, but after 10 days you’ll have a completely different grasp on your business. 

EMB (Email Marketing Bootcamp), as I’ve been calling it, is full of printable PDF worksheets, video tutorials, step by step guidance to set up your complete email system with customized, branded graphics and email templates. AND when it’s all over you’ll have your own 4-6 week Welcome Sequence to automate whenever you’re ready to upgrade your account and launch your list! But like I already mentioned, they have a free version you can try out to get started now.

As a special bonus, the last 2 days of EMB are about Content Planning to help you create an email marketing strategy that works for you. You’ll decide the frequency, format and flow for all of your future emails once new subscribers finish your impressive Welcome Sequence. 

You’re invited to join Email Marketing Bootcamp now for only $97 by clicking the button below! This is an introductory price, so after this round, it’s going up to $297, with no group coaching available until 2021. 

Here are a Few Things Worth Mentioning:

- Each potential customer on your email list is likely to spend $40/year. (With 1,000 subscribers you can earn up to $4k more each year!

- Over 294 billion emails are sent each day. 

- The average person receives around 121 emails per day. 

I know what you’re thinking—OMG! Why would I want to add to that email madness. Well, have you ever heard the saying, ‘Out of sight, out of mind.’ 

If people usually see you at in-person events or in shops that have temporarily (or permanently) been closed recently, you’re feeling the financial burden of not having an email list to reach out to and share about your offers.

Sure, you’re doing a decent job battling the social media algorithms, but are you getting the returns, creating a beautifully branded experience and earning a return from a list of followers you can’t contact if your account is deleted, hacked or shadow-banned? 

When you build an email list, you own it. You have way more control over who sees what. Your energy is no longer wasted because you don’t have the right hashtags or you posted on the wrong day at a bad time. 

Take control of the next big move in your business to survive + grow during these chaotic times. Enroll in Email Marketing Bootcamp now and build your own  community of loyal, raving fans with an exclusive VIP List for your business.