What is Business Magic?
What exactly is Business Magic, and what is this Business Magic Broadcast all about anyway? Tune it to learn more about the approach QUARTZ + COAL takes to teaching about Business and Marketing. This podcast is for anyone who wants to become a more intuitively aligned, spiritual small business owner or creative entrepreneur. The host, Nicole Colton, shares a brief overview about her personal and professional beliefs, values and intentions behind creating her business and this podcast.
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You might be curious to know, what exactly is Business Magic?
Business Magic is about more than balance sheets and board rooms.
It’s about building strong communities that foster kind, supportive and innovative societies.
It’s about promoting growth, equality, autonomy and security.
It’s about connecting with people instead of focusing on numbers, consumers and buyers.
Your clients and customers have names. They have relationships, jobs, bills, dreams and needs just like you!
They have pronouns, unique personalities and incredible perspectives and points of view you’ll never understand entirely.
But you can try! You can listen. You can center others. You can spend time investing in meaningful conversations instead of clamoring for engagement and vying for their likes, follows and hard earned, yet incredibly inflated and overrated dollars.
You can connect on a deeper level by sharing from a sincere, vulnerable place. You can share intimate details in a spiritual and divinely guided way that invokes inspiration, creation and even change within another human being.
You can amplify your impact and make ripples that turn into waves of energy that return to you filled with an abundance of prosperity and success only you can define.
Business Magic isn’t about sleight of hand or misdirection. It’s about honesty, trust and sustainability.
Business Magic is about aligning with the natural cycles and systems at play all around you just waiting to be noticed. It’s not begging for attention or expecting you to see it. It’s patiently surrendering to the gentle ebb and flow encouraging the forward momentum of this planet that hasn’t stopped yet.
Business Magic prioritizes the planet. It puts nature first because it was here first. It’s the mud we all bloomed from. It’s the common ground we all stand on. It’s the wind in your hair, the breath in your lungs and the song in your heart.
It’s the realization that it actually never will stop. It will only change form just like every other kind of energy bouncing around the Universe transmitting wavelengths we’ll never observe in this lifetime.
On a lighter note, business magic is also about joy. It’s about creating from the purest place in your soul. It’s about intuitively channeling your energy for the greater good. It’s about making a mess and having a good time doing it. It’s about transcending beyond the mundane goings on of everyday life and tapping into your sacred space inside and wherever that energy manifests into outside of your body.
Business Magic is infinite. There’s an excessive amount and it’s constantly renewing itself. It’s the most prolific, powerful resource you will ever access.
Once you tap into this well of possibilities, you’ll only discover more and more opportunities to expand and share the wealth of experience, knowledge and gratitude you unlock.
Ok, so maybe it’s not THAT light. The good news is it is easy! All you have to do is listen. Listen to your intuition. Listen to your heart. Listen to the voice inside constantly encouraging you to go for it!
Listen to the people I get the privilege of knowing and having the opportunity to learn more from through their eyes, their thoughts, and their stories.
The people I’ve invited to share their voices with you all have business magic embedded in their bones. It sparkles in their eyes. It’s woven deep in their DNA.
They are born creatives who have been fighting against the status quo since day 1. They are steadfast, smart and sensitive. They are loving, gracious and funny. They are generous, talented and absolutely stellar examples of human beings.
They are friends. They are part of my local and global community. Some of them are even clients, and I’ve even been their customer or client before, too!
These people are following their dreams. They’re going against the grain. And they will do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Business Magic is about sharing. The idea that there’s not enough to go around is a deceptive power move used to leverage everyone against each other while a few hoard every crumb they can claw away from you.
Business Magic is a new paradigm. It’s a school of crafting and creating useful, ethical and inspirational artifacts to carry us into the future. It’s a reminder, a gentle nudge, a subtle sign to consider choosing a different way to operate your business and the day to day goings on in your own life.
Business Magic is a carefully curated recipe to choose your own adventures and have fun being in charge of your time, your energy and your finances.
Wanna go on vacation, take a personal day and ensure you have the flexibility in your day to take care of your needs and the needs of others you’re responsible for in your life? You’re the boss!
Wanna get a promotion, a raise and a few perks for all the work you’re doing? You’ve got it! It’s in your hands now. Make it happen.
Wanna stop doing stuff you hate, outsource the tasks that drain your energy and prioritize time for your strengths, skills and talents you started this business to put to good use? You’re in charge!
When you call the shots you get to make the big decisions like who and what you spend your time working with, working for and working on!
The Business Magic Broadcast is your all access pass to a new way of making a living doing what you love. We’re here to support your decisions to pursue something many people are afraid to even acknowledge about their deepest desires for freedom and a fair trade.
Thank you for tuning in and turning up the volume for your inner intuitive entrepreneur.