Welcome to the Lunar Logistics Beta Group!

LUNAR LOGISTICS moon cycle time management accountability focus group beta testing

Over the next few months I'll be working on a project to help you actually get the stuff on your to-do list done and tune into the Moon energy through each phase of her month long cycles. I've been practicing these for a few years, and it's finally ready to be shared. The plan right now is to launch it this fall, but I'd like to run a beta test group to make sure everything is covered. If you're interested please hit replay.

The program will cost $797-$1297+ when it goes live this fall, but you can try it now for $25/month for 4 months and save 84% off the price plus, you'll get to help shape the course and offer your opinions + input to make sure it's the best program out there for anyone trying to get their shit together and do the damn thing!

You'll receive:

- Weekly Lesson Plans in your inbox

- PDF Printables

- Private Live Group Q + A's

- and a monthly Strategy Session to check in + see how you're doing!

As part of the accountability Beta Testing Group, you get access to the VIP level with 1:1 Mentoring, Group Coaching and the full program at a fraction of the cost!

I am also setting up an Affiliate Partnership opportunity for anyone who qualifies, and you'll have a chance to earn up to 50% commission for any sales you bring in with your special link during the live launch this fall. This offer is only open to Beta Testers. You have unlimited earning potential, even if you don't have a business, a mailing list or a big following. People who follow you trust you + they value your opinion!

If you have been looking for ways to organize your life and learn to be more consistent with a spiritual practice, creative work, personal development, financial management and professional growth this program is the perfect opportunity to access exclusive guidance with an intentional lifestyle coach. I help my clients focus on their intentions with strategic planning and face their fears to unlock their potential. Their transformations have inspired people all over the world, and they have taught me how to nurture an incredible group of creative entrepreneurs who keep crushing their goals and growing into the best versions of themselves day after day.

They have launched countless, successful Kickstarter projects, built profitable businesses from nothing and continued to expand their comfort zone. You can see what they have accomplished by experience the same mentoring program I am offering now. You are invited to pull up a seat at our table, and join a group of incredible people who were in the same place you are right now not too long ago. They are raising kids, quitting their soul-sucking day jobs, creating products that change lives, building their communities and helping people experience a higher quality of life.

Are you ready to learn how to tap into the powerful lunar energy around you and channel it into a life full of abundance while reducing stress, building your confidence and really helping make the world a better place? The Moon will always be there to guide you through life's ups + downs. Once you understand how she's teaching you to grow and let go of energy to create order + balance in your life, you are going to have a hard time remembering what it was like before you unlocked your true potential.

To apply for a spot in the Beta program, simply reply to this email and I'll send you an application. Spots are limited so don't wait. If you feel called to join, act fast before this opportunity slips through your fingers. I will not be offering this program at this rate again. Don't say I didn't warn you!

So, first of all, do you have any questions about the program? 

I will be building, editing, and sharing the Lunar Logistics course I am creating with you over the next 4 months. This will give you a chance to really try it out and see what works and what doesn't, what brings up questions or needs clarification and how I can offer more information or exercises to make the course more engaging.

It will start out very simple as the course outline for the workbook is released in sync with the Moon phases over the course of the month. Next month will be level 2 and you will build on what you learned in the first month, and so on until you complete level 4. 

The finished course will have a physical workbook I plan to have professionally printed and sent to everyone who signs up. Weekly emails with the Lunar Logistics for the week ahead including what phases will be occurring, suggested ways to work with this energy + what to avoid, and special correspondences and other fun activities to complete will go out probably every Monday. That is Moon Day after all so it makes sense but we'll see if that needs to be shifted around! 

There will be live chats for the New + Full Moon each month for more info about the specific Zodiac energy during that time, but more specifically the elemental energy from the water/earth/fire/air sign as well as Q&A. 

During the 3rd + 4th level of the course I plan to share the video content that will be used to tie in the written part of the course with a visually guided, verbally delivered element. This is what makes the course a premium program, and I really want to offer something unique in this realm.

The monthly Strategy Sessions are an easy way to check in + find out how the course has been helping you and what results you've gotten from it. What you like, what you don't like, what you used the most, what you can do without to really get a feel for how other people use it. This course is essentially a guidebook helping you organize your life according to the Moon to live more sustainably. Many elements are a bit unorthodox and may need some adjustments, but that's why we're here doing a trial run!

At first, it's primarily adapting to weekly checklists. You'll be encouraged to shift the order you typically do things each month in order to follow the Moon's phases closely. From New Moon to Full Moon, the waxing period will be your time to increase, grow and create. After the Full Moon until the Dark Moon, the waning period will be your time to release, let go and rest. 

It will be challenging to shift some tasks in your life, especially if you work a conventional job! Just remember, this is not a life or death situation. This course can make things easier and more organized, but it can also seem a bit too relaxed and go with the flow for people who are used to being busy, non-stop, on the go balls of stress all the time! 

The idea is to be very intentional with your time + energy. It's about taking time for yourself to practice gratitude, self-love and basic healthy lifestyle routines while completing what is important when the timing is right. Money grows during the waxing period, and flows out to pay bills and invest in your business and/or lifestyle needs. You let it go in order to let it spread and come back multiplied. We'll get into that in more detail throughout the program. 

Some of your feedback will be used in a case study to help promote the program when it launches in the fall (September 20!) I'm working on the affiliate program, but that will be something we'll talk about more towards the end of the Beta Testing. 

If you know anyone else who would enjoy this course, I can offer you a free 2-hour Strategy Session to use for your personal +/or professional development beyond the course content as a thank you for your referral! I appreciate the time + energy you are willing to invest to help make this course as magickal as possible. I'm also grateful for your support and the motivation it generates to help me also be held accountable to someone else. It means a lot that you are helping me make this dream a reality. 

Please submit any questions or comments about the Beta Test course through the form below and if you're still interested in joining, you can complete your payment through the link below. This will create an automatic payment schedule for the next 3 months. If it is set up on the 7th, you will be charged again on April 7, May 7 and June 7. From there, if you'd like to schedule additional Strategy Sessions we can discuss rates and packages then.